Piece 25

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Camille's POV

"Capron, no!" I shrieked as he picked me up over his shoulder and ran around our back garden.

"Not until you say your sorry!" He put me down in front of him, I gave him my pout.

"A pout can't get you out of everything, Camille.  No matter how cute it is." I giggled at his knowledge of my hold on him. 

I know I have his powerful hold on him, but I have that on most guys.  Boys are always drooling over me, it's annoying.  I'm not some type of food they can eat then forget about.

Capron and I have been spending a lot of time together.  Cheryl and Kimberley don't know that he comes over through the day because they're at work.  This week is Cheryl's 'meeting week' of the month where she has meetings everyday until late lunch.

"I'm sorry that I put ice cream on your nose." Capron giggled and finished his ice cream.

"See!  That wasn't so hard!" Me and Capron have been eating ice cream and playing in the garden all day.

"Hey, Cape?"

"Yeah?" He looked down at me, he's so much taller.

"My parents are having a party with their friends next week for Chez's birthday. Would you maybe like to join?"

"Where is it?" He seemed interested which made me relax a little bit.

"Just here.  It's a small pool party, they said I can invite a friend." We sat down opposite on the pool loungers criss cross from each other.

"I think a friend means someone like Savannah." He pouted. 

Capron knows everything going on in my life right now.  He knows more than Cheryl and Kimberley do.  I've even shared a little of my past with him.  Not a lot, but the good parts of it mostly.

"Savvy's already going to be there because of her Mum.  Oh, come on!  It will be fun." I mirrored his pout, making him give in instantly.

"Oh, alright.  Since you begged." I rolled my eyes at him, making him laugh.

"Plus, I want you to meet Chez and Kimba." He looked frightened at their names, I know they scared him a bit.

"Really?  Why?" I looked at him with a 'duh' face.

"Because, we kind of...have a...how do I put this..?" He smirked at my response.

"A thing?" I lightly giggled at him finishing my sentence.

"You could say that." I took my finger and put ice cream on his nose.  I kissed his cheek and ran deeper into the garden.

"Hey!  Get back here." He was chasing after me until I turned back, running into his arms.

"Carry me!  I think I saw a spider!" He shook his head at me.

"C'mon then." He put one of his hands behind my knee and one on my back.  I jumped up, letting him catch me, carrying me bridal style.  He carried me back to the house, laughing the whole way.

"Do you think your mothers' will be home soon?" I giggled at his frightening thoughts of my 'parents wrath'.

"Cape, you're fine.  They don't even know who you are." He smirked at me.

"So if they walk in, they won't suspect why there's a boy in there house that they don't know?" He's right.

"I hate it when you're right." We laughed as he started collecting his things.  Everyday he would leave and I would miss him so much.  He has become a part of my life and I hope that never changes.

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