Piece 26

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Cheryl's POV

Today is my last day of meetings until next month, I'm so excited to spend more time with Camille. I am writing another album and I only need one more song.

I want to write a song for Camille, hearing her song yesterday was so special. I want her to feel the overwhelming love that overtook me yesterday.

It has to be perfect, it has to be just right. I just hope that I can always be a good mother for her.

She still has yet to call me Mam, except for the time it slipped out and she didn't realize.

"Let's get started." My manager pulled me out of me thoughts. I shook the memories of Camille away for now, needing to focus on this song.

Kimberley's POV

"Table 6, Millie." I watched as Camille walked over to table 6, placing the plates down carefully.

"Enjoy!" I smiled as she came back to the kitchen, she's such a good girl.

I went to the cash register, sorting out the money before lunch hour comes in.

I felt someone's hands wrap around my waist, and the person's head lean against my back. I knew it was Camille because her touch is so delicate and her natural sweet vanilla scent soothes me.

"I'm tireeed." I turned around, wrapping her in a hug.

"Sweetheart, we've been here an hour, it's only 9:30." I giggled at her exhausted state already.

"This job is such a hassle. I commend you for doing this everyday!" I laughed at Camille, she always makes me happier.

Usually at work all I do is sulk until I get home, but when she's here the spirits in the diner can't help but be filled with light.

"Aw, thank you. C'mon I'll make you something to eat and we can talk for a little bit, yeah?" She nodded against my chest, making my heart melt.

"Can you make me blueberry pancakes?" Camille looked at me with a pout, she's definitely adapted that from me.

"Of course, sweetheart. Where'd you get that pout from?" She shyly smiled up at me.

"You." She giggled and unraveled herself from my arms and sat in one of the barstools in front of the griddle behind the bar counter.

"So-" I was interrupted by someone tickling Camille's side, scaring her.

I don't recognize the boy standing in front of me. I panic, not knowing who is touching my daughter.

Author's POV

Camille let out a laugh, immediately looking behind her. She smiles at the glasses and familiar smile.

"Hey! What're you doing here?" Camille hops off the stool, jumping into Capron's arms. He lifts her off the ground for a second, absorbing every second of the beauty's touch.

"How'd you know I come here for breakfast every morning? You stole my seat." Kimberley finally recognizes him, he's a morning regular. He always sits in front of the griddle and talks to John, one of the workers.

"You'll survive. You scared me!" Camille playfully hits his arm, Kimberley is stunned by the two. She doesn't know why she feels jealous that the boy took away Camille's attention.

"Are you eating?" Capron nods at the bar stool, watching Kimberley making the pancakes.

Capron turns around and puts their backs to Kimberley, giving them privacy to whisper to each other.

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