Piece 35

567 10 0

Camille's POV

My phone buzzed in my lap and I saw that I got a text from Sarah. I haven't heard from her and G in a while.

Saz: Can you babysit tonight? She misses you. 🙁

I texted her back, having to take a rain check.

Camille: I miss her more, but I'm actually hanging with a school friend today. Wish I could, love you guys though! 😭

Saz: That's alright, Caz! I love you 2! xx

I smiled at my screen and put it back in my lap.

"Alright, here we are." Capron said, pointing to a beautiful outside wedding setup.

"Wow, it's beautiful." I said to Capron as he held my hand to help me get out of the car.

"My sister has always loved being classy." We both laughed and walked hand-in-hand through the small building of a bunch of dressing rooms.

Capron knocked on one of the doors that had a sign that said 'Mrs. Joyner'. An older woman opened the door and pulled us in.

"Your late, honey." Capron just stood there as the older woman fixed his tie, pulled on his jacket, and ruffled his hair a little.

"Mum, stop! I look fine." He embraced his Mum and came over to me.

"Mum, this is Camille. Camille, this is my Mum." She pulled me into a hug and squeezed the breath out of me.

"Oh, it's so nice to meet you. I've heard so much-" Capron cut her off before she could finish.

"Mum!" She smirked at him and looked back at me.

"I'm Jessica and this is Jenna, Hailey, and Josephine who are all bridesmaids." I smiled at all of them and they continued getting ready.

"And of course, the lovely bride, Amelia." Amelia walked towards me, wearing the huge wedding dress and a full face of makeup.

"It's so nice to finally meet you." She shook my hand and looked at me with confusion.

"You look so familiar." My heart tightened, not knowing where she could know me from. There are a lot of things in my past that don't need to be brought up.

"It's probably her Mam." I smiled at Capron, he never not notices my fear.

"Unless your Mum is Cheryl, that one from X Factor, then I don't think so." I giggled and turned to Capron.

"Amelia, that is her Mam." Her jaw dropped and she looked at me in awe.

"No, way. You're the girl from the papers." I felt Capron's arm wrap around my waist before I could react or respond to her.

"We're gonna get going. We'll see you out there!" Capron rushed me out of the room and held onto my hand.

"Are you okay?" He said quietly once we got in the hallway.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Your family seems nice, I don't know why you always groan about them." I held onto his arm with my hand that was holding my other hand.

"They're just being polite, their strict with us." We walked and sat down in the two reserved seats.

"Hey, you know what I haven't have much of today?" I looked at him with confusion as he looked at me, dazed.

"What?" He grabbed my chin and kissed my lips, getting a few looks from the guests sitting around us.

"Cape..." I pulled away from him, making him playfully pout at me.

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