Piece 17

775 20 0

Author's POV

The three women are driving down the motorway.  Kimberley looked into the rear view mirror seeing Camille looking out the window.  It was so easy for her to get lost in her own world.  She always sees things in a complete different perspective, she was so smart.

"What ya lookin' at?" Cheryl woke her from her daydream.  She looks at Cheryl and just smiles.

"Nothing, it's just that there's a very large black van taking pictures of you." She laughs and Cheryl slaps her leg, not seeing how funny it is to her. 

"What's so funny?" Kimberley couldn't help but giggle at her laugh, it's so cute.

"It's new to me, I guess it's just strange how people have the time for that.  I get that it's a job, but they're just a bunch of creeps.  It's weird." Cheryl was now laughing at her daughter's laugh.

"It's not even that funny!"

"Then why are you laughing?" Camille teased her mother, she loved seeing Cheryl laugh.

"Because you are laughing.  Your laugh is very infectious, babe." Cheryl looked back at Camille with a full-dimpled smile.

Camille blushed, settling her giggles down.  She didn't know what was so funny herself.  She was never one to laugh at other people's patheticness.

Camille and her Mothers' talk the whole way to the shopping centre.  They talk about nonsense and find it amusing.

"What shop first?"

"I'm a huge fan of Topshop, I love their clothes." Camille was a huge fan of clothes in general.  She was just like Cheryl in most ways, this being one of them.

"Us too!  We'll go in there first." Cheryl said as Kimberley parked the car and spotted a paparazzi man.

"Shit." She mutters under her breath, there is never just one, there would be multiple in seconds.

"What's wrong?" Cheryl follows Kimberley's eyeline and sees the man.

"Ugh, come on.  Before it gets worse." Camille doesn't comment, she knows what they're looking at.  She just gets out of the car, immediately grabbing Kimberley's hand.

Kimberley takes Camille's hand and smiles at Camille's sudden shyness. 

"It's okay." They walk down the street, more and more cameras coming into view.

Camille suddenly becomes dizzy.  All the flashes and men scare her, she feels the need to collapse to the floor.  Her lungs become tight and she feels suffocated.  Then the unthinkable happens.

Camille's POV

I can't see anything but flashes and the sight of Kimberley's hand in mine.  I can't see Cheryl or Kimberley's face or body.  All the men are calling at me, but not by my name.

"Hey, mystery girl!"

"Smile at the camera, miss!"

"Who are you?  What's your name?"

All the sudden I feel a hand grab my wrist, pulling me away from Kimberley.  I fall into the crowd of cameras and men.  I don't want to cry, but I can't help the tears forming in my eyes.  I'm quick to blink them away, keeping my head down and looking for Kimberley and Cheryl.

"Camille?!  Camille?!" I could hear Cheryl's shaky calls.  I went towards the sound in the crowd of now about 100 men and cameras.  I saw a hand and a familiar face.  I grabbed the hand as I got pulled into the nearest shop.

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