Piece 116

293 21 3

Camille's POV

White noise.  The sound of a high frequency as your ears adjust back to their prime ability.  Your eyes blot with black spots, which invades your vision.  Your tears are bottled from the exhaustion of blackout.  Nothing compares to that feeling - the feeling of feeling empty.

You're helpless.

No limb can move, your lips are sewed shut, your senses are shut down.  You lay there, lifeless.

"Someone help!" A woman calls for help and shakily holds her phone in her hand.  You can hear her dial three identical numbers as she crouches down in pursuit of the perished body near to you.

You want to scream.  The agony of the pain is sparking within you.  The cuts, scrapes, bruises, gashes, contusions - they all ache in need of medical attention.

"There's another!" This time it's a man's voice.  Again, you want to scream but you can't.  He breakneck runs to you and doesn't dare to touch you because of the blood that seeps in what seems to be every centimeter of your ravaged body.

Sirens blare in the distance, they get closer to your strained ears by the second.  The traveling ambulance breaks quickly at the scene, immediately pulling out the stretcher. They lift your body as soon as they discover you, hoping they can help.

That's what it's like to feel empty.

Author's POV

"Oh, uh...hello." The woman speaks frailly as the police officer stands at her doorstep.  The last person the woman expected to see was a man in uniform.

"Good Evening, ma'am.  Are you the legal parent or guardian of Camille Kinsley?" The man asks as he stares her right in the eye, which forces her to squirm out of discomfort.

"Yes, sir.  Has something happened?" Sara questions, having no understanding of what he is trying to say.

"There's been an accident. Camille Kinsley has been admitted into St. Bartholomew's Hospital." The policeman keeps a frown upon his lips and doesn't dare to smile. The woman frenetically grabs her purse and coat, not wanting to wait a moment longer.  She follows the officer out to his car, allowing him to give her a ride to Camille's current location.

"I don't understand, what has happened?!" Sara wonders out loud to the officer, who claims he cannot give out any more information.  Something about doctor-patient-confidentiality.

The mother of two distant children lets the tears slip down her cheeks.  She's not even sure if Camille wants to see her.  Sara feels as though she's crying for someone she has no right to cry for.  There is nothing more utterly terrifying than facing someone who you believe despises you.  Even though Sara believes this, she is eager to attend Camille's side in need of help.

As the car nears closer to the hospital, Sara's body twitches with nerves.  Sara knows that she never asked for much from Camille, she just asked the wrong person.  Camille is not the person to dress fancy, talk poshly, sit up straight, and live a life where nothing matters but appearance.  Sara understands why Camille left and she doesn't blame her.  Sara doesn't live like that anymore, she has a new lifestyle that doesn't include as much work, adds relaxation, and focuses on better objectives.

"Okay, ma'am, if you go to the front desk-" The officer stops his car and tries to explain to Sara what to do.

"I got it, thank you, sir!" Sara cuts the officer off and opens the right backseat door.  She darts across the street and hears a car beep their horn at her for stepping in front of them.  She waves them off and flies into the hospital from door.

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