Piece 45

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Cheryl's POV

"I really messed up, Kimberley.  I really fucked this one up." I cried hysterically into Kimberley's arms, not knowing what I've just done.  I can't believe I said that to Camille, I feel absolutely sick.  I feel like I could vomit at any point.

"It's okay, you didn't mean it." Kimberley comforted us while rubbing her hand up and down me back.

"I don't think I can ever take it back!" I cried out as I snuggled me head in further to Kimberley's side.  She held me tighter and kissed the top of me head.  I know she's trying to comfort us, but I can't calm down right now.  Me daughter just ran to her room and slammed the door in me face.  I never thought we'd become 'that' mother and daughter.

"She just needs time to think about it.  She said some hurtful things too, baby.  She's just as wrong as you are." Kimberley spoke in a quiet tone, still rubbing me back.

"What if she hates us?!" I said as I realized how foolish I must look to other mothers right now.  I know for a fact that any other mother would have waited for her daughter to just forgive her.  But, Camille's different.  She won't just come out and forgive me, this is a different situation.

I know how fragile Camille is.  I know how much she can overthink things and stress herself out.  She's probably in her room thinking about how much she hates us right now.  What if she doesn't want to live here anymore?  What if she wants to go back to Max and Sara?  What if she runs away and doesn't come back?  What if I loose her again?

"Shh, baby.  Stop overthinking everything.  We just need to give her time.  You know how she is." Kimberley continued to talk to and hold us until me sniffles died down.  She wiped me eyes and stood up.  She lead us up to our bedroom, passing Camille's room in the process.  I heard slight sniffles from the other side of her door, making everything inside of us break into a million pieces.

"Can I try to talk to her?" I asked Kimberley, getting a nod in return.  She headed into our bedroom and left us to talk to me daughter through a closed door.  I crouched down, knowing that she's sat right on the other side of the door.

I can only imagine the doubts going on in Camille's head right now.  She always used to get these doubts that Kimberley and I didn't really love her and one day would leave her again.  I made a promise to meself to never let her have those doubts again.  I've already broke me promise to meself and I don't want to know the outcome.

"Bubba?  Please, let us in.  Let us explain-" I whispered, only to get interrupted.

"Please.  Please, go away." Her voice croaked to life and cracked.  I heard her sniffle again and tried to pull meself together.


"Just leave me alone..." She groaned and gave us the hint to leave her be.  I decided to give her some space and walked into me and Kimberley's bedroom.  I saw me girlfriend on the bed and immediately joined her.  The second me head laid on her chest, the tears flowed.

I can't bare Camille being mad at us and telling us to 'go away'.  I've never seen this side to Camille, I'm so used to the smiley Camille.  I didn't even know that there was such a depressing and angry side to her.  It just makes us want to see that smile again.


I pulled Camille's hand outside to join the rest of the family.  I sat her in me lap with her head on me chest and feet in Kimberley's lap, whose chair is next to mine.  We sat like this on the back garden porch with our families, listening to stories and exchanging laughs.

"Look, Mamma." Camille said as she pointed to the sunset in the sky.  I looked up and saw the orange sky, painted with pink and blue strokes.

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