Page 9// Fate doesn't exist.

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Why do we sleep?

I know it's a weird question but... I'd like to know why. The darkness, the peace, the silence, why do we give all of that up for something like sleep?

I know it's essential but I wish it wasn't.

Chase makes music while I sleep. He says that something about being up late gives him the inspiration, the desire to make something from his soul. To search himself. I think he understands himself better because his body doesn't give up by eleven thirty every night, unlike a certain someone I know. Me.

I just feel like I'm missing out on a part of life because of something my body needs. Imagine all the last night long drives I could go for, or more midnight dates or simply watching Chase play the guitar. Or just stare at a wall.

Now every time we go on a date I have to make sure I keep having some sugar to keep me awake which means I'm on a sugar rush every time, since coffee is unfortunately out of the race. I've heard apples are pretty good at keeping you up.

I cannot imagine how many late night poetries I could pen down.

The book was suddenly snatched away from between my fingers.

"Finn!" I groaned.

"Why do we sleep? What is wrong with little Miss. Fucking Stupid?" P shook her head peeping into the book.

"Why again are you reading this bullshit?" Wendy asked flipping through the pages.

"Give it back!" I demanded.

"Why Draxy?" Lock teased.

"Because it's mine!"

"It's actually not your property." Finn pointed out.

"I was reading it."

"Well, now we're reading it." Wendy snorted.

"Dear reader, I love monkeys—" Finn couldn't control his laughter.

"Guys we should be supportive, our little boy is finally reading something!" P said taking the book in her hands.

"That doesn't make it any better P... This is trash."

"Nobody asked you to read it!" I snapped them and took the book from P. She held onto a page and tugged hard, ripping the page off.

"Oops." P faked shock. "What are you going to do now big boy?"

"Oh the tension here." Wendy sighed.

"Ssh!" Finn said. I took the page from P, placed it in the book and held the book gently.

I didn't spare P a glance, I just walked off and chose another table to sit at. It was an empty table, except of course the five people already sitting there.

"Drax Clarke​, nice to meet you." I introduced myself.

"Wrong table buddy."

"Come on don't tell me you didn't see me dramatically walk off from that table." I said with a laugh.

"And why this table?" Another giggled.

"Let's see. Girls." I pointed out shamelessly.

"So will we see you again?" One of the others asked.

"Anything's possible sweetheart." I winked at her.

"Fate doesn't exist." The first girl shook her head and walked off.

"I never said it did." I whispered to myself.

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