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I have -possibly- the worst ever headache in the history of my entire existence on this disaster of a planet.

I don't know what I did to deserve a hangover of this sort. Chase seems to think it was all the senseless drinking I had decided to put my body through. Chase also seems to think that a human brain would taste delicious if fed upon so I don't think I'll be taking anything he says seriously for the next few weeks.

But his brain tasting thing can be called interesting if not nearly poetic.

He says that he doesn't intend to actually pull out a brain from a skull and feed upon it- too much blood! And he adds that he cannot deal with the idea of killing a person.

But gulping down a mind is something he's not entirely grossed out by!

He says that it's the memories you can eat. The words. The humans that person has ever connected with. The ideas that run wild behind those bright shining eyes. The feelings that only that specific mind can fathom.

But once you've chewed it well and let your own enjoy the feel of the one that's being decrypted, you can feel what they felt.

And in the entire process the best part is when you are stuffed to the brim with the foreign mind that continues to drown yours in its vastness, nearly dead, just for the tiniest second you are the mind you were allowing inside you. It hurts because this attaches you to that mind and it's nearly impossible to let go then. But you do it anyways. Because you need it. You crave it.

This is what Chase describes as love.

"Honestly this girl." I smiled down at the book and felt my fingers grip it tighter before I finally looked up at the scornful glare that nearly incinerated me on the spot.

"Third detention this week Clarke."

I didn't really care in that moment. I just looked down at the journal again and continued appreciating its existence. It didn't matter if the thoughts weren't hers. The words were.

Her words could charm me into committing crimes that could potentially hurt others and as terrifying as that was... It was also oddly exhilarating.

Words of a person I didn't even know could control me more than my own mind could.

The way she wrote with certain letters fancier than the others. The way her words forced me to imagine her no matter how much I wanted her to remain a blob that I had left in my mind. 

I wanted to hold her and just listen to her whisper her powerful words in my ears. I wanted to know what they sounded like in her voice.

I wanted her fingers in front of me as they adjusted to a pencil in them.

As they slowly began whispering those words to the paper—


"P? I didn't expect—"

"Ssh! Drax will you be my boyfriend?"

"Ssh! Drax will you be my boyfriend?"

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