Page 52// The Cupcake

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My eyes remained fixed on her, as hers remained on mine. Slowly, almost motionlessly, I dragged myself to her. She looked like she hadn't slept in a while.

"Hi." I said, standing by her table awkwardly. I hated the fact that nobody else was sat at the table. Over the time I had spent around her I had come to realize that she was used to being alone. She was a loner even when she was surrounded by her friends. But she preferred not to talk about it.

"Fuck off." Her voice was hoarse.

"I'm sorry." I swallowed my pride and let the words slip through my lips.

She looked at me for a few moments.


"Where's everyone else?" I asked, sitting opposite her.


"Is there any way I can make it up to you?"

"You could never speak to me again." She shrugged.

"I--I don't think I'd like that?"

Her gaze softened.

"You can have my cupcake, I don't feel like it anyway." She said placing her cupcake in my tray.

There was a tense silence growing between us. The fact that I could do nothing to make it better was almost maddening.

Her eyes remained fixed on mine and we just sort of spent the entire hour anticipating each other's next move.

"Drax." Her voice filled my ears just as I got up to leave.


"You didn't read today." She paused, looking for the right words. "The journal. You didn't uh--" her cheeks flushed?

I looked at her for a moment and sat back down at her table.

I pulled out the journal opened it. Her eyes followed my fingers.

Sometimes I feel like the color yellow is just wasted potential? Most yellows I come across seem pale and almost have a sort of dead feel to them. It is only embraced in it's most boring forms. Nobody cares about how glorious the color can really be?

Yellow deserves better. It should be used in all its bright glory more often. It's a color that I haven't explored enough but then again, most people don't explore it enough.

It's one of those unpredictable colors. Every time it makes me feel differently? It's not just some happy color.

It's more.

It's a sad color when used right. It looks like hatred, it looks like someone pretending too hard. It looks like it means well. But not too well.

Maybe that's my problem? I'm not thinking of it as just a color. Because it's not just a color and while that could be said for most colors, somehow yellow is different. Somehow, among the millions of colors that exist, the perfect bright emotion that is yellow, has this weird ability to stand out?

Maybe I'm just biased because I like the color but I would like to think that there really does exist this color that feels like it's more than the color in more than just a physical sense?

P.S. Chase looks great in yellow!

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