Page 25// Lunch

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My heart nearly stopped today. I basically almost died? Wow, now that I put it that way it sounds way way way worse than what actually happened.

Well... Short story time!

It was twenty five minutes past midnight, Chase was sleeping peacefully with his naked back facing me. His dark sloppy hair messed up in the most adorable fashion.

Now I know, I know this doesn't sound right. I hardly manage to stay awake all day how in the name of unicorns was I awake at that hour of the night?

I wasn't exactly awake, I woke up to pee and that's when all of this hit me like a truck and I almost died! *Screams*

Who knew peeing could be so... Dangerous?

Anyways, so just as I settled into bed again with my fluffy blanket wrapped around me my brain decided to wander off into a land so far away I sort of managed to fall asleep again BUT then— my kind brain reminded me that my essay on potato salad was due the next day and I jumped out of bed and Chase groaned sleepily and in my hurried, panicked state I accidentally tripped over a pair of slippers and my hands frantically slapped the table in an attempt to grab it for support but instead I dropped the freaking table on myself, along with its contents which was basically seventy percent of everything Chase owned.

But that's not when it happened! As I lay there in a pile of my own failure, my heart nearly stopped when I heard someone who wasn't Chase, laugh out loud.

Until I realised it was Chase's very naked roommate Mr. I don't remember his name!

"Draxy?" Her puffy eyes looked at me for a little second before turning to her fingers again. "I love you." She was learning how to say it. She was feeling it in her mouth.

I looked at her tear stained cheeks and squeezed her fingers gently with my own.

"Stay the night with me? I know it's not ideal but I'll keep you safe— just tonight P. Please?"

"It's not like I have anywhere else to go." She let out a bitter laugh. "Look around Drax, you're all I have left! Why do you think I brought your father up in the first place? Because the last person who cared about me was too fucking involved in a bloody journal to even look at me! I didn't know how else I could get you to care anymore." She sobbed.

"So you didn't tell me that you were homeless because you thought I didn't care?"

"And I didn't know how I was supposed to tell you..." She bit her lip and looked at our connected hands.

"I don't want to hear it. We're going to eat lunch now."

"But Wendy—"

"If she thinks I'm fucking head over heels in love with you, then let her! Let everyone. I need some food inside me to function."




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