Page 77// That's Captain Cuppy, the cupcake pirate

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Dear reader,

I hope you realise that Chase is incredible jealous of you. I've been spending too many hours in you warm, slightly inky embrace.

You're my comfort zone.

He sees that.

And it bothers him because he thinks I'm using you as my shield. He wants me to let you go.

What he fails to understand is that, I can't do that!

Hell even Captain America has a shield! And I'm just a tiny human!

How can I let go of the hope that maybe there's a chance that somewhere, someone has been through every little inch of my brain and seen me at my weakest. And not given up on me.

Someone who's decided to stay with me, no matter how stupid I got.

Someone who didn't even know me. But decided to stay.

It gives me this weird kind of hope that I don't think I will ever be able to fully explain to Chase?

But that's okay.

Chase too is just a tiny human.

Fun fact: We're all just tiny humans!

Sometimes I feel like we're all just moving along aimlessly, closer and closer to an abyss that will eventually suck us into the plain darkness.

Other times, I'm happy and even the slightest bit optimistic.

Today was one of the other times.

"Look at that smile. Now that's something worth drooling over." Fate smiled. "Wait, what brings you back to this not so popular table?"

"I thought I'd just spend some time with your table."

She nodded. "Yeah, Hans is a great table." She gently petted the table. "But he's also mad at you for not eating anything! I swear it's like you don't even understand the meaning of lunch!"

"You're alone." I frowned.

"I have you and Hans, that's good enough for now."

"Where are the rest of them?"

"Library. Except Ellie, she should be here in a few minutes."

"Why are they in the library?"

"Because I managed to piss every single one of them off and being alone is my punishment, happy?!"

"What did you do?" I smirked.

"Take a wild guess Clarke." She snorted.

"You named the table Hans, so I guess I understand where they're coming from."

"No, I actually started giving their food, names. And they just sort of ABANDONED ME!"

"I'm afraid I'm going to need you to demonstrate."

She nodded and pointed to the cupcake in front of her. "That's Captain Cuppy, the cupcake pirate." Then she pointed to her fries. "That's James and James and James and James." Then she pointed to her sandwich. "That's Sandy the sand like sandwich." She pointed to her lips then. "And that's Chomp."

"Just when I thought you couldn't get any more unbelievable." I laughed.

"Whatever, you secretly love me!" She leaned in and pecked my cheek.

"Secretly?" I snorted.

"Oh come on, we both know there's only person who can truly own your massive heart."

I raised a brow at her.

She shook her head.

"The journal you idiot."


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