Page 15// Jealousy

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"Weed is a terrible idea!" P squealed. I glared at her and placed the journal in my bag.

"Funny." I muttered.

"I'm just jealous you know Draxy!" She pouted.

I raised a brow at her.

"I miss all the attention... And now you're just so engrossed in Little Miss Fucking Stupid-"

I cupped her cheeks and squished them playfully. "Pineapple, you're always going to be the most important person in the world for me. After Lace of course."

"Awww Draxy!" She pecked my cheek.

"Diary chick is fascinating but she not you, is she?"

She rolled her eyes at me.

"I thought we had an understanding." She gave me a bored look.

"This is why I fell for you man, you're so adorable." I let go of her cheeks and we continued walking.

"This is why I never fell for you, Clarke!" She smirked at me.

"Ouch." I laughed.

The fact that we dated didn't change anything. I may have fallen for her but that didn't matter now. We could joke about it like it was ancient history.

"Draxy? May I ask you something?"

"No, I'm not carrying weed!" Sweed revenge.

She hit me playfully.

"I'm serious D."

"You may." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"Did you actually fall for me?"

"I did fall in love with you." I nodded with a laugh.

"Then this shouldn't be very hard." I felt her grab my hand and drag me to an empty classroom- that included climbing three flights of stairs.

"What​'s wrong?" She only ever got me to empty classrooms when she was going through- She kissed me?

I couldn't help but let my mind deviate to something diary chick wrote. Completely unrelated but it refused to leave my mind.

I cannot stand apples. I discovered, when I tried to eat apples instead of drinking coffee and I have never felt so disheartened in my entire time on this planet. (Lived on Jupiter for a few years... Man those were the days!)

I wrote a poem on it:


You look like a red potato.
Your skin is smooth unlike popcorn.
Alas! You taste nothing like cookie dough.
Hence, I look at you with scorn.

I know it's not one of my best works but I cannot do better.

It's almost midnight and my eyelids feel heavy.

Now I understand why Snow White shrieks at the sight of apples.

They lied to her and she fell asleep for a long long time!

I could hardly hold in my laughter. P was still against my lips and all my brain seemed to concentrate on was bad poetry!

And intense hatred for apples.

My lips somehow responded to hers but all I could think about was apples.

This girl was making me lose my mind.

Funnily enough that fits for both P and diary chick.

Maybe it's just the absurdity of this situation that caused me to lose a few braincells?

Sounds about right.

Holy crap, I want to laugh!

Holy crap, I want to laugh!

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