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I was holding a box of six cupcakes in my hands as I walked back home.

It had been an exhausting day. I hadn't forgotten about the torn journal page. P was annoyed and I knew I'd have to speak to her when I had the time.

"Fate!" I heard someone call out and stopped walking, I had a feeling they were speaking to me. I turned and noticed the girl from today.

"I'm sorry, Drax was it?" She laughed as she walked towards me.

"Were you following me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, noticing the milkshake in her hand. It was from the same place I bought the cupcakes from.

"Yeah. I actually was."

"Wow, stalker much?" I joked.

"No, I'm kidding, well I was following you from the cafe, no reason I just... Now this probably sounds creepy but I was observing you."

"You weren't kidding when you said creepy."

"No actually you have cupcakes and-" she looked down.

"I'm afraid they're for someone special."

"Let me guess, your girlfriend."

"Do you need something?"

"Okay, straight to the point... I need your number." She said with a straight face, trying to hold in a smile.

"What's your name stalker?"


"Chemistry is the one subject I'm not failing at so that's a good sign."

"Number?" She asked. I smiled and gave her my phone.

"May I ask why do you need my number?"

"It's nice to have a hot guy's number."

"I like the way you think." I smirked.

"So you're going to see your girlfriend?" She confirmed.

"The cupcakes are for my little sister." I told her, taking the doubt out of her mind.

"That's... Sweet? My brother prefers trying to asphyxiate me while I sleep or if he's feeling good about life, he'll put super glue in my hair so yeah your sister's lucky."

"Your brother seems fun."

"He is, he taught me how to annoy people without having to talk to them so yeah he's also my idol but that doesn't mean he's perfect. I guess I should leave, I'm late for my piano lessons and I'm talking too much."

"It was nice meeting you Fate." I winked at her and watched her walk away.

I reached home minutes later and was greeted by my little sister. Her red curls bounced up and down as she skipped down the stairs on noticing the cupcakes.

"So how's my little birthday girl been?"

"You're so old!" She commented.

"I'm seventeen Lace-"

"That's old."

"You're not too far off Lace, ten more years and you'll be old." She gasped at the realisation.

"Your cheeks look stretched... I don't want to become old!" She cried.

"Cupcakes keep your cheeks soft." I told her and hope sparked in her eyes instantly.



Thirteen minutes later, I had an empty box of cupcakes and a chocolate covered sister.



Does anyone like it so far?

I know a few things seem disconnected but it'll come together, trust me. ♥

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