Page 57// Bedtime story

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"I think I love you?"

"Alright, no more alcohol for you." I smiled wrapping an arm securely around her to prevent her from falling.

She murmured something I couldn't quite catch and cuddled into my chest.

"How can anyone not ship this?" Wendy whined tugging at Finn's collar who lay passed out on Lock's shoulder.

"They're fucking disappointing!" Jonny grumbled chugging down his beer.

"Hey, Jonny?" P whispered.

"What do you want sleepy?"

"Fuck off."

"Hey sunshines, where's Mace?" Lock yawned with droopy eyelids.

"Throwing up. Again." Jonny snorted.

"Finny!" Wendy shouted but to no avail, he was out cold. She pouted for a moment, then gave him a kiss before resting her head on his chest and muttering, "Next time I want a boyfriend who can contain his alcohol."

"Love kinda sucks." Jonny said glaring at me and then at Wendy who just stuck her tongue out at him. I ignored him.

"How can you say that Jonny! What about us?" Lock said with a fake offended look on his face.

"Go back to sleep Lock." Jonny muttered, irritated.

"Goodnight kiss?" Lock pouted playfully.

Jonny reluctantly pecked Lock on the lips before going back to his beer. "Awww!" Wendy cooed. "I think I ship you guys more than Drax and P." she clapped. "Shut up Wendy!" Both of them said simultaneously.

"What? I'm not going to lie to you guys! I think you two would make a cute pair."

"Lock's not my type Wend." Jonny said. "Finn's cute though." He smirked.

"Hell yes, I am." Finn smirked sleepily.

"Finny. Shut it. You're all mine."

"Looks like it's just us Lock." Jonny sighed.

Lock nodded sleepily.

I felt a tug at my collar. "Bedtime story." P murmured, opening her eyes and giving me an adorable grin. I smiled and nodded, "Give me a minute sweetheart," there was no way I was refusing that adorable face anything. Not tonight at least.

I wasn't a great bedtime storyteller but I knew someone who was.

I cannot begin to describe how exhausted I am. Even now as my fingers work my eyelids droop and threaten to force me into the powerful clutches of sleep.

Don't call me stupid as yet. I know I should just give up and sleep for a few hours instead of penning this down at this hour but somehow tonight I just don't want to sleep.

I want to stare at the sky. Just that, maybe get myself some hot chocolate and just look at the sky.

Just stare at the stars and watch the moon as it sets. Chase always tells me the sight is beautiful but tonight I want to see for myself!

It's dark and cold and almost a little eerie but it's peaceful... It's like holding onto someone you really really love as they sleep or feeling them murmur against your skin.

It's intimate but in the way you'd least expect it to be.

The dark purple sky with a million stars shining.

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