Page 14// Captivated

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This feels weird. This is Chase. The jerk boyfriend yeah. My girl wants me to write something and she promises that she won't read it. She got me with the soft pouty lips and big pleading eyes. But this still feels weird.

I know my girlfriend is special. I know how brilliant she is. And I love her. I love every inch of her. Her mind. Her colourful imagination, the way she bites her lip when she's deep in thought, the way her fingers twirl a strand of hair when she's looking at a painting or a sunset, the innocence in her eyes, every bit of that girl is beautiful.

I never told her this but I painted her once. It was an abstract I had told her. It was my distorted version of her. You could say that it's rude of me to create something that shows a broken, incomplete version of her but I wasn't trying to capture her face. I was trying to capture that mind of hers.

The part I had come to love more than her skin.

I know I sound whipped. I don't really care about that. I know this will remain between the two of us forever.

I can't say this to her directly, she'll run. I sound creepy and weird. She'd kill me if I tore a page from her journal so I guess I'm counting on her promise here. And if you're reading this baby girl- I guess you're stuck with me.

This guy could not possibly be real. Wait... We're talking about diary chick here, I won't be surprised if this is just some character she created in her head.

I didn't understand girls very well. I guess the bruise on my shoulder from P's constant punching was proof of poor understanding. But this girl... I knew her. I knew how her mind worked, how she thought and this is exactly the kind of bullshit she'd love to hear.

What I'm inching towards is that this chick is fucking crazy. Or she's just thick and being played by some guy.

Which would technically mean that she's hot.
Worth the effort I suppose?

Whatever, I didn't like this Chase character. I would bet anyone that within the next seven pages they break up, if he's real, that is. Then again this was none of my business.
Her life was none of my business but that didn't stop me reading further.

She was everything I couldn't stand- positivity for starters- and that was oddly attractive. When I say attractive here... I mean that she forces me to think about things I wouldn't normally pay attention to. Her words captivated me and I couldn't hide that.

I had never met anyone this enchanting. My fingers couldn't resist turning the pages of that journal.

Her stupidity created an aura of curiosity around her. Powerful enough to capture my attention.

I couldn't imagine the end.

The idea of her words running out left me distraught?

The idea of her words running out left me distraught?

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