Page 53// Grow a heart

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"Drax. What can I do for you?" Her voice made me shudder, as if the bone chilling sight of her wasn't enough.

"Grow a heart." And yet, I possessed the audacity to behave like a brat.

"A reasonable demand may even be fulfilled."

"It's about Lacey."

"What about her?"

"She's not well and I'd appreciate it if you at least pretend to care."

"I remember when you were a little boy. Your father was always there to take care of such situations."

"Would you just take one day off and take care of her?"


This was unlike her. My mother wasn't particularly fond of Lacey or me.

"I love my children Drax, whether you believe that or not."

I snorted at that.

"Yeah right mom." I turned to leave.

"It's uncanny how you're every bit the cold, unapologetic young man your father was at your age." She sighed. "Honey I know it doesn't always seem like it but I do care about you. And about the person you're becoming. I don't spend a lot of time with you but I can tell you're just like your father--Drax do you want to speak to your father? Just to see what he's like now?"

"I thought you didn't like him." I snorted.

"Oh the man terrifies me. But he's still your father. Maybe if you talk to him--you'll see what I see? You'll see the monster you're edging towards." Of course she'd say that.

"Fine. Leave the number on the fridge." I said and walked out of the garage.

I wanted nothing to do with that man. Yet, I found myself weirdly curious.

Maybe I had to do that? Talk to him. Listen to him slur and cuss with the thick stench of alcohol lacing his words.

Maybe mom was right about this?

I walked back to Lacey's room.

P was there, holding her hand.

"Thanks." I mouthed.

"Go take a shower Draxy. I've got this." She whispered.

I picked up the journal on my way out of the room.

Do you ever just kind of stare at someone and wait for them to catch you? Because you're super creepy and immature and don't know how to go up to a person and just talk to them like a normal person because they're obviously so freaking intimidating they make it impossible?!

Because I definitely don't.

And yes, that's a lie!

That's the story of how I met my best friend.

I stared at her and then she stared at me and then we had this mini stare off and that's how we became best friends.

I'm not saying it's good to stare at people creepily. No, that's just creepy. And wrong.

Stare at them like they're a random houseplant that needs to be watered and is now bothering you because you can't get up and water it as the dry, wilting leaves scream out to you in pain.

P.S. Nope. That's a pretty bad idea too. Just don't. Please!


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