Page 4// Milkshake

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Allow me to introduce myself. What you're looking at is the fine script of the most interesting person you will ever know. ME!


Now for today's lesson.

Ready grasshopper?

Let's begin then!

Let's talk about rainbows. Don't roll your eyes at me yet, we're going to discuss something that I genuinely find interesting but I haven't been able to share with anyone. You're special! Yay!

Back to rainbows.

Definition of a rainbow: an arch of colours visible in the sky, caused by the refraction and dispersion of the sun's light by rain or other water droplets in the atmosphere. The colours of the rainbow are generally said to be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. (noun)

My definition of a rainbow: the smile kissing the lips of seven year old. The bright, shimmering, glazed rays of sunshine finding their way into innocent minds. I look at rainbows with hope. Each shower of rain is a potential rainbow. Those colours will never look that beautiful when you just look at them. It's the experience of looking at something so beautiful... It makes you fall in love with nature all over again.

I don't care if I sound stupid, this is what I feel and if I can't share it with you... Then what's the point of having you anyways?

I think I am done for today, I hope you see a rainbow. :)

I kept the book down and found P glaring at me.


"Oh I'd run if I were you." Lock said and I noticed P grip her milkshake tighter.

"What is it?" I asked again.

"What are you reading?" Gritted teeth.
Yeah, I should run.

"It's a journal."

"I'm not daft, thanks!"

"Is it yours?" I asked with a smirk. Run.

"How was my assignment?" She asked politely.

Oh crap.

"Did you just ask me about that?" Fuck, it was really time to run now.

"Yes! But obviously this stupid journal was more important!" She snatched it from me and began reading, "Rainbows?" She snorted with disgust.

"What kind of deranged idiot writes stuff like this? And you have a soft smile on your face because of this!" She pushed the journal towards me.

"So my assignment. Where is it D?" See this is why group assignments suck.

"I think I'll run now, thanks." Before I could leave milkshake was poured all over me. Fuck!

"I swear to God I am going to kill you! I worked for that shit! All you had to do was watch it because I knew Darcy would chew it up if it remained with me! You irresponsible fuck!"

I couldn't fight her on anything today, we were both flunking English because I forgot our assignment in a coffee shop. Because I didn't sleep last night and I couldn't afford falling asleep in class.

"In my defense I was sleep deprived—"

"Not a word Clarke! Not a fucking word!"

Lock shook his head at me, with a fake disapproving look.



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