Page 49// Almost Stranger

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Dear reader,

Today was bad. And it hasn't been the bad but fixable kind of day.

Just plain bad.

The problem with No Chase week was that no matter what I did, I couldn't bring him back mid-week. It was against the rules.

And for once I really really wanted to break those rules.

Today I ran into Melody Walden-- usually that wouldn't bother me because I had learnt to live with the fact that we were never going to be friends again. And sure it hurt but not half as much as reviving that friendship would.

So as always I did my best to avoid conversation, smiled politely and tried leaving.

Except. Melody didn't want to walk away today. She wasn't having the best day so she decided that I didn't deserve to have a good day either.

Partly because it was my fault that she tripped in the parking lot and chipped a tooth, something I felt guilty for. It was an accident and I would do anything to change it, and partly because Melody was just like that.

She decided that it was only fair if she took something from me.

And that's how I ended up losing my poetry journal and most of my self esteem. I'm sorry I can't go any further. It hurts to relive it in my head.

I know this is incomplete and I know you think I'm stupid and childish but that's probably because I am.

She wanted to hurt me and she did. It hurt to be told that no matter what I did, nobody but my sad boyfriend was ever going to care about me. And that some time soon she would get her revenge.

You see, I think she already got her revenge.

I didn't see what could be better than making me feel like I was alone. If she tried to mess with the way I looked, I wouldn't care, but my poetry was personal to me. It was really bad poetry but it was my bad poetry. It was 'me'. It was more 'me' than my appearance was.

"Draxy!" I heard P call out.


"There's someone here for you!"

I placed the journal aside. "I'm coming!"

"Hey, I know this is at least a little weird for you but uh-- I needed to talk to someone and you're the only name I could come up with." The girl at the door rambled.

I raised a brow at the almost stranger staring back at me with innocent gray eyes.

"Yeah, come inside." I recognized her eyes and oddly enough, I trusted her? At least a little?

"I'm going to get back to my nap now Draxy, have fun." We didn't have to discuss what happened over lunch. It was a few hours old now and that meant it was sorted.

I turned to the almost stranger now and smiled with recognition.

She smiled back, "So I know this is random, but I need your help."


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