Thomas // Preperations

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* So I kinda made this one while watching Say Yes to the Dress and thought it was funny. It's my own personal preference on dresses too, so you can make it look however you want but I thought it would be cool to do it like this. *

I smiled as I walked onto set with my boyfriend, Thomas, beside me. We were on the set of our movie The Scorch Trials premiering this summer. We were brought into the back to change into our Newt and Amelia costumes. Then we were brought into makeup where the others were.

"Morning guys," I laughed as Thomas and I took our seats across from each other.

"Morning (Y/N). Morning Tom," everyone said as the makeup artists began their work. They had to add the dirt as well as the many cuts I had on my face and neck which took a little longer than the others.

Today was the day we filmed Newt and Amelia's engagement scene. In the books, Newt proposed to Amelia in the Scorch right after loosing Winston. Wes decided to keep it in the movie since he thought me and Thomas were so adorable that it had to be in the movie.

"I'll see you out there, my love," Thomas said pecking my cheek before leaving the trailer. Now it was only Dylan and I left getting our faces done.

"You nervous?" He asked me with his eyes closed and mouth wide open.

"I am. I don't know why but I just... I'm anxious Y'know?" The woman finished my makeup before allowing me to leave with Dylan as well.

We walked back towards the set where the cast was conversing around the chairs lined up with our names on them. Inside two of them, were my parents.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" I asked cheerfully. It had been a few weeks since I saw my family due to both of our busy schedules and here they were surprising me at work?

"Wes invited us," my mother answered. "Said since we were in Los Angeles for the weekend we could come and see you work."

"Aww I'm so glad you guys are here," I smiled before joining a side hug with them as they remained seated. "You remember the cast right?"

"Oh yeah. They've been keeping us company while you were getting your scars done," my dad chimed in.

"Hello Mr. And Mrs. Kole. It's a pleasure to see you again," Thomas said coming up behind me. He put his hand on my back before hugging my mother and shaking my fathers hand. My family loved Thomas so I wasn't worried about them at all.

"You look very handsome as always, Thomas," my mother smiled as him.

"It's so cool here. This really is your jobs?" My dad asked in awestruck while looking around.

"(Y/N)! Thomas!" Wes called from behind camera.

"That's our cue. We'll see you in a little bit," I smiled and walked with Thomas towards the set. It was all styrofoam molded into demolished buildings and debris. It fit the Scorch well.

"Okay so this picks up right where Aris offends Amelia. So (Y/N), you'll be sitting up there with your legs tucked under you while Thomas, after a few seconds we'll have you walk in and sit beside her." Wes continued explaining the scene in more detail before having us take positions.

I sat with my knees in my chest as he instructed and faced off to the green screen since I was supposed to be looking at the Scorch.

"Okay and scene 13 take 1. Roll camera. And action!" That was our cue to begin. I wiped a tear off my cheek, as the script commanded it, before sniffling lightly.

"Meels?" Thomas whispered behind me using the nickname Newt have Amelia. "Are you really caring what that shank says?"

"But he's right Newt. What can I do here that she couldn't? It would be better if Teresa was here instead of me," I whined sounding as sad as I could make my voice, again, as the script commanded.

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