Newt // Pretend *REQUEST*

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* This imagine was requested by JessicaLuna18
Thank you for sending it in and I hope you like it! *

My new life started in total darkness. A feeling of nausea took over my stomach as I felt the room I was inside carrying me at a quick pace upwards with only a repeating red light guiding me up the wall. I had no idea where I was or how I got here, but all I wanted was for this room to stop moving.

After what felt like hours, the room came to a quick and sudden halt, sending me a foot in the air before back down on my face. Out of fear, I laid frozen on the ground when I heard muffled voices coming from the other side of a wall.

With a loud screeching of gears, the lid of the room pulled open, bringing in waves of bright lights. It took a minute for my eyes to adjust to the light and I could finally look up.

"It's a girl," a British voice said above me. Circling the opening of whatever room I was in, was a ring of boys all of different ages, sizes and colors. But what stood out to me were the intense glares they all were throwing at me. If looks could kill...

"They made a mistake."

"Send her back."

"We'd be better off getting a shucking baby than a girl."

"Maybe the Creators think it's time we have some fun too, eh?"

"She can be used for other purposes. I'm sure she's good for something."

All these comments thrown around by the boys sent a wave of panic into me, as tears filled my eyes. Where was I, and why were all these boys such monsters?

"Alby, can I?" A small voice asked, but I couldn't tell from where or who this 'Alby' character was. I heard the stomping of feet before someone jumped into the room with me, shaking the entire thing on it's hinges. I turned my head towards the ground and cowered in a small ball against the closest wall. Maybe if I seem scared enough, they'll leave me alone?

"Hey," the soft voice said again. It seemed a lot higher and squeakier than the other boys and it didn't frighten me as much. I hesitantly looked up at the boy in front of me, and felt relief wash over me as I took him in. He was a young boy with tightly wound brown curls covering his head and chubby cheeks under his doe brown eyes; he was a kid. "My names Chuck. Do you know yours?"  

"(Y/N)," my voice came out hoarse from not being used for so long. The boy stuck his hand out and waited for me to take it so he could help me up. Eventually, I took it, and let him get me to my wobbling feet.

It took another couple minutes for the boys above to lower down a rope to lift me out of the room I was in. Once I got on the grass covered ground instead of the metal one, I was crowded with boys all staring down at me. None of their faces were nice like the Chuck's, but were all full of judgement and some with looks as if I was the last piece of steak they had ever eaten. All of them were making me extremely uncomfortable.

"All you lot! Get back to work and leave the greenie alone!" The British voice from before called out. He must have had some kind of high power here, because the boys immediately groaned and walked off.

All of the boys dispersed until only three were left: Chuck, a dark skinned boy with broad shoulders, and a tall blond boy. The blond knelt down beside me and set a soft smile onto his face.

"Hey," he voice was dramatically quieter, like he was afraid if his voice was too loud that I would run off, "my names Newt. I'll explain everything to you, but I need you to trust me." He stuck his hand out, just like Chuck had done in the box, only it took me less time to take his hand. Somehow I knew I could trust this boy, even though I had met him seconds ago.

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