Newt // Food Poisoning *REQUEST*

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* This imagine was requested by PrincessofPugs
I hope it's perfect cause I changed it a little but as usual I can edit anything you like. Thanks for being so patient with me since it took a while for me to post! *

When I arrived at my job first thing this morning, one bed was already full. This didn't surprise me seeing as the boys new the system for coming into the Med-jack hut: I tell them a place to sit, they lie down, and I inspect whatever they told me was the problem. The difference today though, was the first in command standing beside the bed.

"Hey Fry," I asked as I stood beside his bed. He was scrunching his eyes closed in pain and clutching onto his stomach. Stomach ache? "What's the matter?"

"He woke up blowing chunks outside the homestead. I figured I'd bring him here since he can't feed the glade like this," Alby explained for him.

"Okay, well I can give you a pill to soothe your stomach but I would suggest just lying here for the day. But don't worry. I'll take good care of you." He was able to muster a faint smile as I grabbed the pills to give to him.

"Yeah, about that," Alby said coming up behind me, "you're not working here today."

"What do you mean?" I asked handing Frypan the pills and a cup of water.

"You're filling in while he's sick. Clint and Jeff have it handled enough here so it shouldn't be an issue if your gone." When I hesitated to answer, he added, "and Fry here thinks your a good cook. Says you'll be the perfect substitute for the day."

"I-i can't cook. The only thing I've made was soup once and Frypan was beside me the entire time. I can't do it alone!" I yelled, nervous about the thought of being a cook. I wasn't a cook. I couldn't cook. Obviously if I could, that would have been the job the keepers gave me the first week I was in the glade.

"(Y/N) this isn't a choice!" He yelled back sternly. "If I had anyone else to fill in for him, I would but right now you're all I've got. So shut your buggin' mouth and go to the kitchens."

"I'll check on you later, Fry. Feel better," I said to Frypan before storming out of the hut. If only Alby knew what he was getting himself into.


"I'm gonna kill her! This is all her shucking fault!" Gally screamed from inside the Med-jack hut. He was rolling around a cot in pain with his arms pulling his knees into his chest.

It was my fault but it wasn't on purpose. I had accidentally given four boys food poisoning and sent them into the med-huts. I'm honestly not sure where I went wrong in my cooking but I still felt extremely bad for it. To make up, I've been helping them as much as I can in the hut while I had a free hour.

"She didn't do it on purpose, Gally! You know it was an accident!" Alby fought for me as he attempted to calm down the screaming Keeper.

"Oh slim it Alby! You know she did this on purpose. She wanted to play a game on the four of us and this was how she was gonna do it! She's evil! And now she won't even help me cause she feels for guilty!" Spit flew out of his mouth as he screamed in the face of our leader. I was too busy giving the other boys pills and cold washcloths to help Gally right now. That was just another piece of ammo he had to shoot at me.

"Gally! Shut you shuckin' face unless you wanna spend a month in the slammer!" Alby yelled even louder than Gally, who just huffed and threw himself back on the cot. "(Y/N), go get lunch ready." Alby's voice was much calmer and collected when he spoke to me. I nodded and ran off to the kitchens. I passed the nosy gladers who's eyes followed me there. They must have heard Alby and Gally's loud fight.

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