Thomas // Co-Stars *REQUEST*

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* This imagine was requested by mookahlatte This one was really fun to write and I love the way it turned out. I hope you like it too. *

Fate was not what brought us together, the acting was. Everyone might believe if someone was meant to be in your life then they would somehow be, but what if that person was filling your entire life?

The day I met this person was the same day I met the cast of my first real movie role. I played Joanna in the romance movie Love Actually. The rest of the cast was sweet, and were welcoming to a small 12 year old who had no acting experience what so ever. My young age is actually what drew us together.

Thomas was only a year older than me, being 13, and was the second youngest actor in the movie, right above me obviously. What also helped connect us was the chemistry the young characters had towards one another. It's what gave each of us our first kiss.

I didn't get to see Thomas much after that due to how our parents never really thought much of a friendship developed in the short time the movie was filmed. Oh, but they were so wrong.

Fate is what I believe brought him back to me, when I arrived at a new set with a new cast, but with the same boy with messy blond hair and doe brown eyes. Who would have thought Thomas and I would both be cast in Nanny McPhee?

This movie had no child romance like Love Actually, so sadly there were no kissing scenes between Thomas and I, but that didn't mean feelings weren't developing. I played his younger sister Tora, who was typically the one to reprimand his character Simon into doing slightly less bad things since all the children were very naughty.

That movie lasted about as long as Love Actually did, and we were sadly ripped apart for the second, yet last time.

I had already met most of the cast for this movie and had already developed small friendships with them while discussing the roles each of us had already played. I was informed a new person was to be joining the cast and would be playing Paul, my character's brother's best friend.

My jaw practically dropped when the blond boy entered the room. When his eyes met mine, his lips curled into a smile and we instinctively ran towards each other. The others stood by confused as Thomas let me leap into his arms and jump only a couple inches off the ground so he could spin me.

"I'm so happy to see you! What are you doing here?" he asked setting me down but keeping his arms tied around me. He already had his 1950's outfit on and his hair gelled into a thick curl on the side of his face. He definitely rocked the look.

"I thought this role was out of my comfort zone so I tried it and I got it!" I was beaming with happiness, knowing something somewhere wanted Thomas and I to be together if it led us back together. "I saw you in Pinocchio. You were so good, Tommy!"

The two of us caught up rather quickly since only a handful of years had passed and our movies had basically kept each other up to date. This time after filming ended, we wouldn't let each other go so easily.

And we kept out word to that. The friendship grew until we became best friends, who were almost never seen without the other. Thomas guess starred in a few TV shows and movies while I landed the lead in a movie, all with Thomas living one bedroom over in our shared apartment. It was from then on that we practically auditioned for every movie together, just so we could share another movie.

Just like every romance novel has told you, friendships almost always transcend into deeper feelings, Thomas and I being no exceptions, but it took many years for us to finally admit it.

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