Newt // Domestic Moments (Pt.4)

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*Warning: This imagine has more dirtier/ mature wording and suggestions so read at your own risk*

Newt and I were busy working in the gardens when the loud sounds of a fight began. Newt, being second in command, ran ahead toward the builders and instructed them to stop.

When they didn't, I ran forward and grabbed the boy named Justin and pulled him off the other builder named Eric. A few builders grabbed Eric and started shouting things at him.

"Slim it! All of you lot!" Newt ordered which silenced everyone. Alby had finally ran over to see what all this fuss was about.

"What's going on here?" He asked as Justin pulled himself from me and walked to our first in command.

"It's all that shanks fault!" He screamed pointing at Eric.

"It was not! It was yours, slinthead!" Eric shot back. They began fighting back and forth shouting random insults until Alby broke it up.

"One more word and I'll throw both of you off the shucking cliff myself." Most of the other gladers, except Newt and myself, left to go back to their jobs. "Now I wanna know what started this."

"He said that if another girl were here she would rather be with him than me even though I'm like ten times better looking," Justin explained.

I scoffed and muttered under my breath, "oh bloody hell." I suddenly heard a chuckle from Newt beside me.

"I see I've influenced your vocabulary over these few years, love," he laughed. I playfully hit his shoulder before crossing my arms over my chest. My cheeks burned red at the small word he used to describe me everyday: love. We had been in the glade together for a couple years and dating for many months of them so it seemed only fitting that he rubbed off on me some.

He slipped his arm around my waist and pecked my cheek before quickly returning to his stern second in command self. I smiled at him before returning back to the bickering gladers.

"But look at how much nicer hair I have than he does!"


"Whatcha doing love?" Newt asked poking his head into the kitchen. It was after work hours so the kitchen was free to use as my own.

"Thomas was begging me for cookies so I decided to make some. Figured it would be a sweet thing to do for the boys," I explained while mixing the bowl of cookie dough.

Newt nodded and skipped over to me. He leaned over the bowl before scooping out a chunk and licking it off his finger. I tucked the bowl around so it was covered by my body.

"Uh uh uh Newton," I giggled while taking out the pan, "you can have one after I bake them."

He groaned and threw his arms around my waist from behind. He buried his face in my hair and whined again. "But looove."

"No buts," I said hitting his shoulder after spinning around. "You may help but you can't eat any. Can you do that?"

"Yes ma'am," he said fake saluting me like I usually do when he gives me orders. I rolled my eyes and handed him the bowl.

"I'll be right back. I need to get the flour from Frypan. All of this must be in the bowl when I get back. Alright?" He smiled and puckered his lips. I pecked his lips before running to the hammocks where Frypan was most likely sitting.

It took only a few seconds to ask where the flour was before running back to the kitchen. When I entered, Newt had his face stuffed cookie dough.

"Issac Newton!" I screamed making him jump. I loved calling him that because that was the famous scientist he was named after. He set the bowl down and covered his mouth.

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