Simon // New Neighbors (Pt.2) *REQUEST*

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* So, I did something different again. I had someone request a part 2 to the Simon imagine and someone request me to do another Simon one. I'm just going to do a part 2 to the New Neighbors imagine because I think it works with the second request. The two requests came from AnimeQueen007 and ShaunaWalters I know this one isn't very good but I tried to make it seem like the point of view of an 11 year old since that's about how old Simon is. I hope you guys like the way it turned out!

Also, I wanted to say that when I first started writing these, I used my name (Amber) and my features because I wasn't going to publish them since I didn't think anyone would actually read it. Then when I got reads, I went back through and edited the name so it said (Y/N) or (Y/E/C) or (Y/H/C) every time. If I missed one, please don't angry and just message me or comment and I'll have it changed. Thanks!

WARNING: Big spoilers for the ending of the movie *

I did go back over to Simon's house the next day, only to be told they were too sick to come outside. Simon and the others invited me to back over to back in the next day, which is also where I spent the rest of the week after that.

My parents at first were adamant to let me spend everyday there, because of their weird doubts about Nanny McPhee, who I thought was just a strange old woman. But they eventually warmed up to the idea that I was spending all my time with the kids, who had become my best friends. My parents were more than happy to see me getting along with kids my own age, since I've never been good at making friends.

Today was the day of Mr. Brown and Mrs. Quickly's wedding, and my whole family was invited to come. The children, along with the rest of the wedding, was decorated in awful bright colors that Mrs. Quickly chose. I laughed as soon as I saw the outfits the kids had to wear, but my mother was quick to get me to stop.

After the wedding began, the kids started buzzing and swatting at the air around them. Simon looked at me, where I finally understood what they were doing.

I jumped out of my seat and made the same buzzing noise like the other kids were doing. I hit spots on my dress and swiped my hand around the air while mumbling about bees.

"Mom! There's a bee on you!" My mother jumped up and started swatting just like I was, only she actually thought there was a bee.

"The flowers on her dress! They're attracting them!" Simon yelled as two of Mr. Brown's friends were swatting like the rest of us.

"Do you see any bees, Cedric?" Mrs. Quickly growled at him, who was sharing a look between him and Simon.

"Yes, I do." He hit the top of her head, making her fall on the ground. When she stood up, the priest accidentally threw the top of the cake at Mrs. Quickly, covering her chest and neck in cake. Her face turned a deep red with anger, as she took a handful of cupcakes and threw it back at the priest. Only it missed, hitting Aunt Adelaide directly in the face.

"Oh, my lord. Your highness," Mrs. Quickly apologized while bowing on her knee.

All of the kids, including me, broke into laughter, especially when she had one of her servants throw a cake at Mrs. Quickly. That missed too, hitting one of Mr. Brown's friends in the face. They laughed out loud too, and pointed at the man's cake covered face.

Suddenly, I felt a small cupcake hit the center of my stomach. Turning towards the kids, I saw Simon laughing at me, with the blue colored icing on his hands. I grabbed a pile of cake and threw it back at him. The whole wedding turned into a cake fight with adults and the kids throwing cakes, cookies and other desserts. I even saw my father throw a cupcake at my mother.

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