Thomas // Birthday

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*In honor of my love's birthday. Happy 27th birthday Thomas Brodie Sangster*

Thomas's POV

"Make a wish Tom," Kaya smiled down at me while motioning to the cupcake with a small candle in front of me. Today is my 27th birthday but it doesn't feel the same without my girl with me.

The Maze Runner cast and I are in Cape Town filming the third and final movie in this movie series. (Y/N) has been my wife for almost six months now and this is the longest we've been apart since tying the knot. I promised her once this movie was done we could spend all our time together without me leaving again. It was only three months left of this till that day could come.

I leaned forward and blew out the candle before Kaya waved the smoke out of my face. I smiled as all of my friends joined Kaya in singing to me.

"Oh wait!" Dylan ran over with a large box in his arms. He set it on the table behind the cupcake and cut the tape sealing it shut. "This is from (Y/N). It arrived two days ago."

I happily rose from my seat and dug through the box. If it wasn't obvious, I was extremely excited to see what she wrote me seeing as she was always the one to go above and beyond with her letters on holidays. It was just one of the wonderful things I loved about her.

I pulled out four large boxes with Star Wars themed merchandise inside. Her and I loved the Star Wars series and actually planned on once a month having a Star Wars date night. It was something cute that made each of us equally happy.

When I got to the bottom of the box, only a single sheet of white paper was left

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When I got to the bottom of the box, only a single sheet of white paper was left. I pulled it out and read over the unique handwriting written in blue pen.

For my Love,
Did you really think this was all I got you?

I grinned at the name she signed before tilting my head in confusion. There were more gifts? I told her I really didn't want anything besides seeing her again. Maybe she sent me something else that hadn't arrived? Maybe-

A knock at the door brought me out of my head and to my friends. They all smirked and asked me if I could get it. Oh maybe this was the surprise. She sent me something that room service would deliver. That was something she would do. She was always so caring, so thoughtful, so wonderful.

I ignored my friends snickers and giggles as I turned the handle of the door. Once I pulled it open, I gasped lightly and stood in shock.

(Y/N) stood outside the door with her hands holding a small card in front of her. Her (Y/E/C) eyes filled with tears as they met mine and squinted lightly as a giant smile took over her face.

"Hi Tommy," she said. Oh god the sound of her voice drove me insane. I lunged at her and threw my hands around her waist. I lifted her off the ground and spun her once before setting her slowly on the ground to just savor this moment. The moment I was reunited with the one I love.

"You're here!" I finally squeaked in her neck while each of us gripped onto the other as if we couldn't get enough.

She pulled back and wiped off her tear stained cheeks. The smile never left her face though. We cupped each other's cheeks and just stared, happily content with the simple looks. "Just for the weekend. I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer."

"No, no, no, Love. You being here right now is enough," I said rubbing my thumb over her lips. "May I?"

"You didn't even have to ask," she grinned and pulled me close to her. Our lips crashed together and the instant they touched, i let out a long sigh of relief. I hadn't kissed these soft and plump lips in two months so I was ecstatic right now.

After a long kiss, we pulled apart and rested our foreheads together and closed our eyes. A few more seconds later, we returned to staring helplessly at each other. I made sure to leave one hand on her cheek just to make sure that if I opened my eyes, I wouldn't wake up lying in my bed. But no, she was real and here with me.

"Happy birthday darling," she whispered and pecked a soft kiss on the top of my nose.

"Uh Tom, you gonna let her in?" Ki Hong laughed behind me. I grabbed her hand and led her into the room. The others all gawked at us with smirks and tinted cheeks.

"You all knew, didn't you?" I accused. (Y/N) giggled beside me and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Well of course," Kaya said swiping her arm down in the air. "Who do you think helped this one plan the perfect time?"

I looked down at (Y/N) and smirked knowing how much effort she must have put into this.

"Well I wanted to come out after you opened your gift. So I had Kaya text me when you were opening it and exactly when to knock. It was all part of my brilliant plan to surprise my husband," she explained while playing with the necklace I had tied around my neck.

The one that my aunt had given to me when I was really young, the one I never took off except on certain occasions. I glanced at the gold chain tied around her neck that matched mine. I had, after dating her for a year, bought one exactly the same to make the necklace even more special. She promised to never take that one off as well.

"Well, I think this calls for cake. I'll let Dylan do the honors," Will said handing Dylan a large cutting knife. He messed around with it a little to make everyone laugh before cutting out a piece of the circular cake with my name on it. I never did much on my birthday so having my friends and wife over while eating cake was the perfect way to celebrate.

I had my girl under my arm and my cake in my hand as we made our way to the couch. I sat (Y/N) into my lap and fed her a few forkfuls of cake since she claimed she "wasn't hungry". I knew she just wanted to focus her attention on me so I gave just as much back.

I pecked her forehead before feeling her cuddle into my side with her head in the crook of my neck. Chills shot up my spine as her warm breath blew over my collarbones. I set the plate down and wrapped both arms around her while gently running my fingers through her hair.

After a little while of our friends loudly playing Mario Cart on the Wii, (Y/N) spun around and placed her hand on my cheek. I fell into her touch while smiling up at her. She returned the smile while her cheeks tinted red. I wasn't sure why but I loved seeing her like that.

She happily sighed. "Happy birthday Tommy."

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