help me #1 (edited)

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Do you remember anything?

Do you remember how the world used to be?

All before it went to hell?

Looking back

I think it was because of you

I think...

I saw you in my sleep

You sat on your couch on your computer watching something random. It was pretty tedious really, no one to hang out with but yourself, what a lame life to live. Rolling your eyes you noticed that it was a lovely day outside so you got your (color) bag and left without another moment to spare.

The sky was painted a light blue, with little light gray closed scattered across it. The sun was covered but the clouds, but it was better than being blinded from the intense light. The gray path of the sidewalk was as dull as ever, never has there been a day that wasn't like this one. Couldn't the sky be purple one day? Can't the clouds be red? Can't the sidewalk be painted, paintings of things on people's minds. Change the whole city, just so one day, wouldn't repeat every day.

As you walked further, you saw a nice looking coffee shop called Anteiku (please contact me if I'm wrong but not in a rude way) you weren't really one for coffee but you did like it a little, so you went inside. As you went in you heard a bell ring and a few people saying...

"Welcome to Anteiku." Very nice and in perfect harmony.

You had just nodded at them and took a seat next to the window. looking off, beyond the window, you found yourself consumed by your thoughts. No longer in reality, but memories.

/Flash back\

'Let's go hunny. It's time to go home'

'Ok mommy, mommy can we come back tomorrow.'

'Of course, we can!'
'sweetheart, promise me something' she pleaded the young girl
Your childlike eyes widened in horror. your memory held onto every little detail. Your heart raced so quickly, pumping blood through hour vains at rapid speed.
'I...i love you' she mouthed failing to use her voice. A drop of blood fell down her mouth onto the cement, only to be stained that way for years.
That's when reality kicked in. Body no longer still, but in motion. You ran as fast as you can, just like what your mom said. You had only looked back once and all you saw





Riping the




off of her, enjoying every savored b-b-b-b-b-bite. Tears formed in your (e/c) eyes. All you did was run.

Only run.



You snapped out of your train of thoughts when reality was calling out to you.

"Miss are you all right?" said a girl with cool blue hair covering her left eye.

"Um....ya I'm fine." you reassured her

"Ok, so what would you like to have today?"

"Um...i will have an (iced coffee/ hot coffee), please." You asked her with a smile

"Ok, it will be out shortly," she said and left.

You sat there looking down fiddling with your hands. This has been happening lately. You can't seem to forget what happens. It was traumatizing. Yet, it was the last time you saw your mother, your kind-hearted mother. She loved you so much. Yet you should yourself daily because it seems every time you think about her, you forget something about her, and you feel dread run throughout your body. How could you forget her smile, her laughter, her warm hugs. It was gone, she was slowly leaving your mind. Your heart beat was slow, but you could feel it. Fiddling with the heam of your shirt, you poisoned your head to look down, not up, never up to the real world.

"Is she ok?" someone said quietly but you didn't look up "should we ask her?"

"Um....well I don't think-" A shy boy's voice got interrupted

"HEY YOU!" a boy said waving his hands even though he is seriously sitting in the table in front of you.

"Y...yes?" you said

"Are you ok?" he said sitting next to you

"Ya I'm fine." you said lieing

"Your lying to me."

"W...what no." you blush from imberest

"Yes, you are. People have tells you know! Like how some people look to the other side and others twirl their hair and blush...
like you."

"No, I don't."

You blushed even more.

"I'm Hideyoshi Nagachika but that's a month full, call me Hide." he said smiling "and this is Ken Kaneki call him Kaneki"

"It's nice to meet you both."

"Here is your drink." The cool haired girl said coming back.

"Thanks." you said to the girl and she left.

Afterward, you had to leave. You said bye to Hide and Kaneki.

You remember
Not your mother
But your other mother
The one who took you
The one who never gave birth to you
The one who...tortured you
It seemed so clear

(This is when you were younger)
(Your mother is still dead)
(But you haven't met Hide or Kaneki yet, this is a flashback for a couple of chapters)

There you are minding your own business walking and looking around at all the other kid's.
You haven't gone to school since you were about 7 and when your mom died you had no one else, except for your drunk aunt, but she died 2 years later. The police thought it was time you should move in by your self and of course, they send you money every week but you still work for a waitress at dinner but you got fired because you were too young. You went into your house and did some chores and other junk

=/Time skip by me having a bad headache\=

You sat there watching (favorite show/movie) and then there was suddenly a knock at the door.

"COMING!" you said going to the door in a rush to see who it was.

As you went up to the door you saw nothing well that is until you looked down and that's where you saw a note.

1 nothing 2 nothing
3 something

After reading the note you had no idea what it meant so you went back to watching t.v until a few more hours someone knocked again you went to the door and saw another note saying

1 Something 2 Nothing
3 something

You were thing about what it meat maybe
1 knock meat nothing
knock 2 meant nothing
knock 3...
someone HAS to be playing a trick on you or something. It's not real, is it?

Just in case you locked the door and Windows. You locked everything even your room where you hid. You felt sleepy so you fell asleep

$!1hour later!$

You woke up to see your room normal as unusual until you saw a shadowy figure in front of you. Then everything went black once more.

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now