red eye's #50

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This was it, the moment of truth...well not really but saying things like this will being up the suspense. As i said the moment of truth. You where looking up at the very intimidating yet different billing you have ever seen. Thair where meny nicely dressed people walking in and out even one person was crying. All of this might intimidate some one to send a senser to thair brain telling them to run but yet again you where you and you and you where not normal. You walked to the doors gladly and pushed them open almost brakeing them considering they where made out of glass. This action coursed all the people in the room to look your direction.

"Hello smart people I'm hear for therapy!!" You said bending your knees slightly and your hand was on your head wile the other one was spread out.

Every one didn't cair and went back to work as if you had never walked through those doors.

"Rude much" you wispered under your breath looking to the left

You then freeked out at what you saw spreding all your limbs out except your left leg wich was helping you stand and screamed a little.

"What the" you said

What you saw was a man in a black long sleeve sweeter with a white dress shirt like yours underneath and besides him was a girl with black short yet straight hair covering both of her eyes with a small red ribbon on the back of her head and a black dress with two little buttons on the front for decoration and some what looked like flowere pedals but only two white flaps around her neck stitched to the dress still only thair for details and bot very important. The man looked like your age and was holding her hand. You didn't see her facial expression but you could tell she had none and probably never realy smiled very often, or cryed or got mad or eny facial expressions in that case. What you didn't know was the boy was talking to you, considering you where to focused on looking at how they resembled each other a little.

"Excuse me miss" the black haired and red eyed boy said

"W-Wa" you said "oh I'm sorry" you said bowing

"No it's alright" he laughed

"So did you need somthing?" You said tilting your head to the side

"Uh...well i" he said rubbing the back of his head as pink blush creeped it's way to his cheaks

"He wants to know if your single" the little girl said with no emission in her voice what so ever

"Ah NO!" he said yelling a little making every one stop once more and look at him only to shush him "sorry" he wispered makeing everyone go back to work again.

"Um-" you said until he cut you off

"I didn't say that!! i wanted to know if you knew whair the therapists office was that was all i SWAIR!!" he said blushing and saying all that really yet oddly fast like, blushing a dark red blush wich matched his eye's.

"Oh that was all, i will show you, that's whair I'm going eather way so might as well right" you said smileing a big tothy smile with your eye's closed

What you didn't see was that the young girl had moved a pice of black hair away revealing one of her eye's wich was red, but when you opened them back up you got a quick flash of her pretty red eye's before she quickly moved her black as night hair back in it's original place.

"Alright then let's go" he said smiling and walking off with you

Wile you three where walking down the hall whair Juuzou told you to go the boy started talked to strike up some kind of conversation considering it was a little quite.

"I'm Mizuki by the way and this is my younger sister Maki" he said smileing

"Heh I'm (y/n), (y/n) (l/n)" you said scraching the back of your neck

You could of had sworn you heared the young girl say something under her breath but you didn't hear. You just wished you could of had heard at least one word but yet couldn't, just like you where to slow to see her eye, you just couldn't.

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now