boring #51

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After a wile you three have been walking and to be honest right know you where lost, i mean thair are so meny rooms and storeas at least everyone hear had to get lost at leas onece. You where realy confused you where on floor purple LIKE REALLY FLOOR PURPLE WHO DOSE THIS!!

"Are we lost?" Mizuki said a little confused

"No i know exactly whair to go it's right down this hall" you told him not wanting to admit defeat

"We're lost" Maki said still with no facial or visual expression on her face

"No it' the door...i hope" you wispered the last part a little nervous and opening a white wooden door open.

To your luck it was indeed the therapists office and thair sat a blond woman in a jacket and red glasses on the phone, she looked around her 30's or something but she looked good for being that old.

You ran to the woman and saw her name tag it was smudged and you couldn't read what it said.

"Excuse me miss lady can y-" you said but before you could finish the lady had held up a finger signaling she was on the phone.

You then had to whate for her to be done on the phone

"W-Wha.....oh yes, no definitely not........who...oh ya, ya, ya i know yes, oh my goodness enough i have pashints wanting....mmmhhm ya ok bye, say hi to the wife for me" she said then hung up only to come face to face with you.

"Yes." she spoke up

"Oh i'm hear for therapy" you said smileing

"Ok then, may you tell me what time?" She said taping on her computer

"Oh ya wha, time?" Your smile then quickly turned into a confused look

"Yes time you have a reservation, right?" She said looking at you pulling her glasses down a little

"Um...well, no heheh" you said scratching the back of your neck

She grabbed something under her desk and it was a paper on a clipboard with a blue pen on a string.

"Take a set and fill this out please" she said and you did so

Mizuki and Maki went next and thay had a time meaning thay could go ahead, but you had to fill the paper out.

You read and scaned through some of the questions but then you realized that was getting you no wair so you realized that it would be better to actually read it.

Have you self abused

Was the first question, you looked at your arm and looked under your shirt to see your tummy to see stitching, you circled yes and read the next one

Would you describe yourself as different or normal


The second one said. You crossed both of them off and wrote fun instead because it's true.

"Oky doky next one" you said

Do you get enough exercise and eat well

WHAT!!??!?!?!? you thoght

You then flipped the paper aside on the chair next to you and tryed to avoid it

"I never liked tests eny way" you wispered huging your knees up to your cheat

You soon got bored so you took the paper and folded it up into a paper airplane then threw it around the room. You threw it for about a few more times and the cool thing was the lady in the desk didn't see or glanced at what you where doing not once not even for one second.

"Im going to need that paper know" she said right as you threw it and it landed in her blond hair "thanks"

She took the paper and look at it and clipped it to another clipboard and started to talk to someone else again.

"Dang it now I'm bored again" you wined looking up at the t.v.

On the t.v. was some show telling you how to eat healthy and exercise but you turned away because the door had opened.

Mizuki and maki came out.

"We will whate for you" Mizuki said wile he walked off with maki

"(Y/n) (l/n), time for you to see the therapists know, walk in when ready" the lady at the desk said looking at you then back to the computer

Wow....therapy who knows what gose on in there, who knew that it would lead up to such a thing as therapy?

Your not THAT crazy, your just


I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now