hurt inside, hurt outside #37

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"I will let you stab me"

Those words what did he mean

"What do you mean?" You asked

"Well if i ever do something wrong i would kill myself"he said not looking up

"But why!?!" You said

"Because no one and i mean no one who has done something wrong deserves to live" he said crying and clenching his whater Bootle

"What happened?" You said

He looked at uou in shock


"What happened to you,tell me your past" you said looking at him

He took a deep breath and let it out and started to talk

"My mom...well she was a human, but as for my dad he was a half ghoul she never knew he was a ghoul and he never knew she was a human....once thay found out thay started fighting i remember i was only 5 and so was my brother Haru we both where ment to be twins but i was born at 12:58 and Haru was born at 1:03. I still can remember sitting in bed with Haru around 3:00 in the morning, both of us holding on to each other hearing our perents fighting and our little sister sora who was only one at the time crying her lungs out from the oher room, that is until it went silent. Me and my brother Haru both went into the living room still holding hands until my dad came out with scarlett blood all over his mouth and clothing, i will never forget the way Haru tightening my hand and cryed into my jacket and how i could feel his heart beat rapidly. Dad tryed to approach us but i then made a run for it with Haru. We both ran while i screamed for help dad saw, and was still chasing us and it was only 3:00 so i keeped yelling to see if maby some one was awake, And some one was, soon enough i could run and i triped, Haru trying to help me up but he couldn't he was to week dad started to ketch up to us and i...i...i remember telling Haru to run, run for his life, and he did with his white hair in his face and his gray and white scarf flowing in the wind.....he......left. I...i shouldn't have done that" he said bainging his fist on the wall and crying some more "when...when dad cout up to me a CCG investigator help me and stabbed my dad with his quinque, dad fell to the floor dead i remember telling him 'please help me i need to find my brother' but all he did was look away 'PEASE' i remember yelling but he just walked away without making eny eye contact what so ever...and i can remember when i sat thair crying,crying till i couldn't cry eny more then another CCG member found me and took me in only for a limited time till she got aten by a Ghoul when i was 12, after that i was one.......i had to raise myself without my mom, or dad, or sister and especially not my b-Brother "

You gasped a little and rubbed his back

"Your ok shhhh shhhh shhhh" you said

"No I'm not ok it was my fault my brother isn't hear with me,i diserve to die and so did that CCG member" he said crying and clenching his fist

"No" you said

"What are you talking about?" He asked

"No"you said again "i will help you find your brother and you will help me fight for the ones i love"

He looked up at you

"Deal?" you said stiking your hand out for him to take

"Deal" he said taking your hand and shakeing it

"Come on" he said

"What?" You tilted your head

"We need to practice, but i think we need to turn it up a nouch" he said leaning into the assistnt botton

He pressed it and said

"Nora, Among, and Akira please report to the practice room for a important duty" he said

"What, what if nora is to bussy with all the letters?" You asked

"You didn't hear?" He said rasing a brow

"Hear what?" You said

"She got a promotion, she is now a CCG investigator, some guy named Hideyoshi Nagachika took her place"

"H-Hide" you said wide eyed

"Um...ya you can put it thay way i guss" he said

'Hide is hear' you thoght 'n-no i can't let him get in the way nether Kaneki i can't'

Than the door opened to see Akira Among and..

"NORA!!!!" You said running to her

She didn't notice and you fell on her

"Nora senpai i missed you" you said smiling down at her

"(Y/n) it's only been about 12 hours" nora said

"Ya but it was a long 12 hours ago" you winned geting up

"So what are we doing today?" She asked

"You are helping me" you said "fight"

"What i thought we already practiced enough yesterday" she questioned

"NOPE!!" You said yelling "i Really Really need to understand how to kill and or properly captur a ghoul"

"Fine let's go" she said gripping her breaf case to reveal a quinque shaped as a katana

"Whate don't you think you will need armer?" Akira said worryingly

You replayed with a smirk on your face and your hair in your eyes and bringing out your quinque saying

"I will do just fine"

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