not so fancy#19

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You walked along with Akira, Mr.Shinohara, Among, and Juuzou to your tablet. You pulled out your chair and sat in it and so did the others. You sat at the edge with Akira infront of you and mr.Shinohara sat at the end with Among and Juuzou sat next to you.

"So what may i get you ladies and gentlemen" the mail water said

"I will have a whater" Mr.Shinohara said

"Me as well" Among said

"You boys are boring, i will have some pink lemonade" Akira said

"Chocolate milk!,with extra wiped cream" Juuzou said existed

"Yes i got it down, and what will you have my little lady" the mail whater said to you

"(Chocolate milk with extra wiped cream/vanilla milk with extra wiped cream/strawberry milk with extra wiped cream/milk shake)(so sorry if you cant have milk)

"Will be right up~" he said winking at you but you didn't notice cuz you where looking threw the menu but let me tell you this you might of haven't noticed but Juuzou did and oh dear he didn't like the other mails actions.

You where planning on getting a plate of waffles and chicken, you have hered that it was really good so might as well try it right.

"What are you gonna get Juuzou?" You asked him

"I'm not really shor maby a burger or a steak or something I'm not really that hungry" Juuzou said thinking and wispering 'iny mine mo' to try to pick something to eat.

"Mabby we can share something?" You said looking at Juuzou's beautiful blood red eye's

" i will save that till our first date this doesn't count with other people" Juuzou said "sorry to be a party pooper"

"Naw it's ok Ju-" you said getting interrupted

"Hear are your drinks two whaters a pink lemonade, chocolate milk with extra wiped cream, and one (what ever you got)" he said "hear you go sweetheart" he said giving you your drink and taking orders.

You didn't think much about this you thought that it was normal for a watere to be nice to thair costumers, but you where wrong this watere was trying to flirt with you infront of Juuzou's eye's. Juuzou was getting pissed off but didn't wanna show it cuz if he did he thought that you won't like him eny more but how can he tell the other maile to knock it off without (y/n) knowing. Juuzou was in a sticky sichuashon and not only cuz of the boy but thair happened to be a little toddler behind him and she put her candy on his black pants.

"Silly little girl, thinking i'm a trash can" Juuzou said to the little girl wich made her giggle "hear have a new candy" he said grabbing a lollipop from his pocket and handing it to her the mom saw this and leaned in and said to you in a nice voice

"Your a lucky girl to have someone like him, don't let him go" and walked out with her children wich where two boy twins and a toddler  girl, you noticed that thair was no dad to be seen and you then realized what she ment wich made you sad

You looked at Juuzou for a wile and then huged him and wispered 'i will never let go of you'

'I will never let you go ether' Juuzou said wispering and letting go because people where starring and he knows that that makes you feel weard

Then the water came back again but this time with the food you had all orded a few minutes ago.

"Can i get you guys eny thing else" he said

"No i think we are fine, thak you"  Mr.Shinohara said to the other mail

"You need eny thing sweetheart~?" He said sexually but that didn't work on you

"Yes in fact i need some stay away from me pervert" you said with a hint of sarcasm

"Oh come on" he started "its not like you have a boyfriend or enething so might as well come with me"

"For your information, i do have a boyfriend and he is amazing so you can shut your alphabet boy mouth and leave us to eat" you said shewing him off

All he did was smirk and leave without another word. Not every one was paying attention wich was good but Juuzou was and he was happy that you can defend your self from perverts and rapists, but he was also happy that you said he was a amazing boyfriend even tho all he did for you was get you a rose and nothing else fancy, because be didn't know how to be fancy in fact he's not so fancy. Most girl's go for the ones who have money but you didn't really cair about that you loved Juuzou with all your heart and Juuzou loved you with all of his, all that matters was that you where thair for him and he was thair for you when you need each other at the worst of times.

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