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Normal pov
You where at home thinking what to tell Mr.Shinohara that you and Juuzou are a ....thing. oh and did i menchon that Juuzou is helping you think.

"Let me tell him" Juuzou said confident

"No we need to tell him together but how..." you had thought for a wile

"Oh know how!!!" Juuzou said loud

"Shhhhhhh mr.Shinohara is in the kitchen, ok go on" you said to Juuzou

"Ok my idea is to tell him on a good day and on that day we need to be nice to him and all of that" Juuzou said

"That's a good idea, but i wanna tell him know" you told Juuzou.

"We can tell him at the end of the day, but till then me must be nice" Juuzou said in a smarty tone

"Yes sir" you said courtesying even tho your not wairing a dress.

You and Juuzou went out of the room to see Mr. Shinohara waching t.v.

"Oh (y/n), Juuzou i was just gonna ask you if you'd like to go out for dinner with me Akira and Among" Mr. Shinohara said with a plesent smile

" ok" you and Juuzou said both at the same time

"Oh and you kids don't need to tell me i already know" he said.

You didn't know if it was about you and Juuzou or that you had already broken your new earbuds.

"Pishhhh what we will never keep a secret from you Mr. Shinohara" you said lieing to him hoping he didn't know

"Oh but you did, i know when something's up" he said

"Well of course you do the sky is up silly" you said wich made Juuzou laugh.

"I'm serious"he said "and yu better not say 'nice to meet you serious'"he said as if he knows you where planning to do that

"Ok, fine" you said and Juuzou's eye's where wide as if he was telling you 'noooo' " i will admit, i was the one who broke my ear buds, I'm so sorry it wasn't my fault tho you guys must of had bot them at the 'doller tree' or 'good will'" you said

"Noooo not that i meant the thing that you and Juuzou are a thing as in girlfriend and boyfriend" he said

"Oh no he found out, I'm gonna hid under my bed" Juuzou said grabbing your hand but to be interrupted by a Shinohara who's conservation wasn't over

"Not so fast, i'm ok with it" he said happy

"Really" you and Juuzou both said surprised

"Ya, it's ok i actually kinda shipped you two from the beginning" he said

All you could do was stand thair blushing and so was Juuzou but you didn't see

"Well don't stand thair go get dressed"Mr.Shinohara said "and change into something else"

"Ok" you and Juuzou both growned

You walked to your room and so did Juuzou. You nealed down to the floor so you can look threw the close. You looked threw it and thair was all the close you normally wair. you dug in and threw close all over the place, only to find nothing but white shirts. Then you had an idea
You looked at the time it was about 6:00 so you had enough time for your plan. Your plan to wair something different besides a white shirt and ypu didn't jave to spend a penny. It is a amazing plan. 

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now