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Normal pov
You both where getting bored and had finished your coffees and the car was about to come to pick you and Juuzou up soon in a few more minutes so you had to go.

"I need to go to the bathroom real bad"Juuzou said holding his pee pee "i will be back"

He ran to the bathroom and you wated outside.

You then suddenly hured a child crying. You walked up to the ally way wair you heard it coming from and thair was nothing you then where pined to the wall by a guy you could barely see

"I finally have you" he said hungry

"WHAT!!" You yelled "HELP JUUZOU H-"

He covered your mouth with his hand and said

"Shhhhhh" his eye's turned black with read pupils and was ready to have his dinner "you won't feel enything soon"

He got ready to take a big juicy bite Until he suddenly was takeled to the ground by another ghoul.

"BACK OF I SMELED HER FIRST"he said and punched the other one

You where standing in frear and tryed to move away to get to Juuzou. You where about to tip tow back to Antaku but then the new one pinned you to the floor and you started to cry a little.


the ghoul that was on top of you seemed less hungry then when he was takaling you earlyer.

"(Y(y/n)"he said in a familiar voice

"W-who are you?" You said confused on how he new your name

"You don't remember?" He said

He took of his hoody of his head to revival a boy with white hair one ghoul eye and a gray eye with tears in them but you could tell bye his one eye you knew who it was

"KANEKI"you said crying

He huged you and you both where on your knees huging each other and you where crying into his sweater while he cried

"You changed" you said grabbing hs face hand looking at him

"So have you" he said also grabbing yours

You then both let go

"So how it life?" You asked

"Um....horiabal"he said smiling

"So where you a Ghoul all along?" You asked him

"No in fact i almost died but then the doctor put in-"

"That was you, you where on T.V. and so my THOGHT...Thierry.....hypothesis?.....um....what ever a good name for that, WAS RIGHT!!"

"Please don't call the CCG" he pleaded

"Oh don't worry, i work for the CCG" you said happily using your thumb to point at you

"Y-your a CCG?!"he said speeches

"Yes but i have only ben on one mishon so far and i haven't gotten one of those reappear things Juuzou has" you said giggling

"Juuzou?"he said confused

"Yes Juuzou...my...........frend..boy, um....my...bbooyy frend" you had tribul saying it "myboyfrend"

"Oh ok cool" he said looking off "Soooo you and Juuzou did you guys make out yet" he teassed

"WHAT SHUT UP!!"you said punching his arm

"Ahahah owww" he said rubbing his arm

"Ok i really need to go" he said running off

"Good bye" you said into the wind

You walked back to the front of Antaku and whated for Juuzou. Soon he came back with his normal smile.

"The line to the bathroom was SOOOO long it took me for EVER" he wined

You whereent really paying attention because you where thinking of what Kaneki said

'make out with Juuzou'? You thogh 'what if i try and he thinks it's weird?'

"Hello earth to (y/n)" Juuzou said waveing his hands in front of you

"Oh sorry Juuzou i was just thinking" you told him

"Thinking about what?" He questions you

"Um...." you said you then felt your face heat "OH look at that the car is hear time to go home!!" You said running to the car and sitting in the back, Juuzou then ran back and sat next to you for the whole ride back it was silent, and weard.

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now