sneek out#54

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All of you had went to the candy store. Maki seemed to like juuzou as well as Mizuki. It really was fun, but it got dark and it was time to go home. You where looking at the ceiling of your room. You couldn't sleep.

"Weak" you wispered to yourself

Ever since Nero accidentally ran you over, you have been thinking.

What if something like this happens, and i don't come back?

You sat up. You where in your pajamas and under your bed sheets. You renoved the bed sheets and stood up. You knew what you are doing mught be bad...but you had to get stronger somehow. You changed and left the houce, this time waching where you where going. You ran to the CCG's gym, chainged cloths and started. You punched the punching bag over and over till your hands hurt. You did push ups till you wanted to quit. You even tryed to do everything you could do till you fell to the floor. What time was it anyway? You then shook off geting side tracked on what time it was and continued. It felt like hours and hours of fighting, again and again. You felt like your hole body was going to shut down, you felt like dieing. Your arms and legs where sore. At this point, You where bairly standing. You where punching the punching bag, or at least barly touching it. It really wasn't even close to punching it. Your eye sight was slightly blurry. Then the door opend to reveal your freand nora.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" She said

You looked at her.

"Nora?" You said

"Are you ok? You seem really tired." She said walking to you

"Y-ya I'm fine" you then felt dizzy.

Everything went black for a second and you feel to the floor. Nora ran to you.

"Are you ok!"she said bending down to you

"Ya." You said

"Do you want me to call juuzou for y-" she then got interrupted by you

"No! Please don't tell him." You said "i don't want him to worry"

"Ok" she said "but I'm worried"

"No I'm fine" you said trying to get up

"Are you 100% your ok?" You said

" more like 50%" you said

Nora dident like this. She gave you a hug.

"You need to rest." She said

"No, i came here to get stronger I'm jot leaving" you told her "please"

"Fine" she said

She told you to sit down for a wile until you felt better. You could never ask for a better freand. You sat down and you two talked. She said she was here to get stronger too. She said she had a dream that she failed to save her freands and family. You two talked for a wile until you told her if you two could practice again. You two walked arownd the training aria several times. You then felt better and you two started to jog then run. You two got tired and sat down. She said she would get some coffee for the two of you and she left. (Sorry if you dont drink coffee) you where sitting alone until your phone rang. You looked at it to see juuzou was calling you. You looked at the green and red butten, and pressed the red one.

I'm sorry i havent been updateing on...almost all my books. My mom took my phone and I'm secretly on my brother's phone. I can only go in wattpad on my brothers phone or at school (we have crombooks). I'm sorry this chapter was short as well.

Well bye

Also sorry for my bad spelling and grammer.

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