Meow #43

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It was late and you had just finished work. You where happy that today you reunited two brothers but hopefully kyo won't fine out that Haru was a ghoul. As you walked out you emedeatly noticed it was raining and how dark it was.

Unfortunately you didn't have an umbrella or the paper to call a taxi. You tryed to calla taxi by waveing your hands like one stopped thay all had some one already in thair car.

You thought that it will be easyer if you just walked home because it wasn't that far. You walked in the wind and rain thinking.

'Last time my real dad sent me a note that he was gonna come meet me,but he hasn't, maby it was just a stupid joke that he thoght was funny....right well at least if h-'


You stopped and looked at a shrub whair you hered the noise

Shuffle shuffle

The shrub went again

Then came out a kitty

It stopped and looked at you



then another cat came out then another

"How meny cat's are in thair?" Uou said scraching your head giggleing

You grabbed the kittens wich thay let you and looked behind the shrub to see a box with a mama kitty and some other kittens.

The mama kitty was bleeding and looked half dead

'Oh no' you thoght

You looked up, you turned left, then right, but thair was no one in sight or atleast what you thoght.


'I'm so sorry kitty's mommy said i couldent keep you, please stay safe' i said in my mind as i wached another girl older then me fined them

I felt whater drop down my cheack and it wasn't from the rain

Normal pov

You picked up the box with the cat's and looked around once again but thair was no one. You got up off your knees and walked home.

???Pov (the same one from earlyer)

I walked back home soaking weet from the rain and the crying. I stood at the doorstep and wiped my tears and opened the door to see my mommy talking to some one.

"Oh hello honey" she said

"Hello mommy, who is this?" I said a little worried because the strainge man looked mean

"Well um....this is your" he said

I widened my eyes

'New ,New dad' i thought

"But what about my real dad" i blurred out

"I already told you he left" mom said

"So i can't have dad or the kittens!!!" I said with tears running down my face "WHY!!"


i stopped, i was shocked atwhat she said wich led to more tears running down my face

The man wispered something in mommy's ear wich i hered completely

He said

"Hey hun i never whanted kids and you didn't tell me so ether get rid of her for me or get rid of me for her"

I stopped and ran to my room slamming the door. I grabbed a bag and put some money in it but not much all i had saved up was 80 bucks and 50 cents i put my teddy in thair and the sweater daddy got me and my book and my reading glasses. I looked around but thair wasn't much in my room mom never even noticed i snook a knife into my room from the kitchen wich i plan to take for protection. I didn't have enything else i planed to get untill i got my blanket then i hured some one knocking on my door. The door soon opened but i then ran out of the house and into the streets.

I can hear tham yelling my name telling me to come back,

But i will never come back.

Normal pov

Once you got home you set the box down slowly on the carpet. You turned on the light got a towel and went back to the box. When you opened it you could see about 5 or 6 kitty's and one mama kitty who still looked a little dead. You picked up the mama and let the other kittens rome freely. You saw her foot was bleeding and so was her neck. You ran to the bathroom still with the mama kitty and cleaned her scars and wrapped them in bandages. You then walked back to the room and put the mama cat on the towel. The mama cat soon fell asleep.

'Please don't die' you thoght you then got up and saw that Orio was looking atthe kittens sniffing them then started to play with the white one with the red eye's.....that one remained you of Juuzou who you really missed.

'Please come back soon'

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