mono bear#25

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The picture isn't a mono bear but it is from Danganropa and his name is Nagito komeda.(it is a really good anime😍)

You woke up with Juuzou's hand around your wast. You did really love him and you knew he loved you. You got up and kissed him on the forehead and left to check if Mr.Shinohara was here. You saw that he wasn't and he had left yet another note

Sorry (y/n) and Juuzou but i have some vairy important business to atend to, i am vairy deeply sorry i will be back in about 5 day's the most, here is some money and Akira's number.

You had read the note and where a little upset but delt with it. You made breakfast and still leaving the money taped to the fridge wich was 100 dollers. You put the waffles on each plate, you looked and thair was three plates and remembered Mr.Shinohara was gone, you had actually thoght of Mr.Shinohara as a dad even tho you had never actually knew how it felt to have an actual dad who chaired for you. You cut the extra waffle and gave one half to ypu and the other to Juuzou so both of you had one and a half of a waffle. Oh no you're doing math. You then shook your head in attempt to forget on what you where thinkin wich was math, but you where then interrupted by a Juuzou who's hair was all over the place.

"Is mr Shinohara hear?" He said half awake

"No, but i made breakfast" you said smiling at him

"Ok, but i need to go chang and fix my hair" he said going to the bathroom

You put wiped cream on his than yours then some (frute toping) on them as well. Then Juuzou came out with his normal hair du and dressed in his white shirt and black laggings as usual. You both ate and you asked Akira if she could pick you both up she said ya so you both wated...and wated..ya it was only 2 minutes but the longest 2 minutes of your life because you wanted to kiss him but then that will be weard if Akira opened the door to see us.. ya, and yes Akira knows the number to the room as well as Among....ok no he doesn't but Akira dose. She was driving both of you to the CCG. After she parked you and Juuzou ran out and into the building almost getting ran over but he stoped and yelled out the window somthink like 'be more kairfull next time kids' you could barely hear you where to busy running with Juuzou. Youboth went up the stairs and you might of had tripped but Juuzou then picked you up and gave you a pigy back rise till he came to your desk and put you down gave you a quick kiss and had to leave. You didn't know whair he was going. He came back with a rose with white tips wich was extremely beautiful.

"It's really beautiful" you said grabbing it avoiding the thorns

"Like you" Juuzou said kissing you on the check then left to his desk wich wasn't that far from yours.

You sat in your chair spinning around like all the time and listening to music on your phone. You suddenly got hungry so you got up and went to the vending machine and hot some (snack in machine) and went back to your desk to see a teddy bear thair, it was black and white and had one red eye you got it and huged it you knew that this was from one anime you liked wich was called danganropa but it was a little confusing with disspair and who kiled who and mono bear and you didn't really understand but you really liked the mono bear hopefully it doesn't come alive and kill every one heh heh.....................  ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................oh no. Naw just kidding that wont happen because you made shur that it was a teddy bear by ripping the leg of then sowing it back in. He was a teddy bear because he had stuffing instead of robot stuff, but how did Juuzou know you liked that anime did you forget to delete your history on YouTube......shoot.

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