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That was all you saw


No human life formrm or even sights

No voices

This was the end

The end of your life

Your horiabal life that started to get good

You had practically almost everything

Frends: nora, kyo taky

A dad mr Shinohara was like a dad





If you knew that that was gonna be the last time to see him you would of had said the three words no one have told you expect for him

                  I love you

'I'm gonna miss him' you thoght


If i died would it be that bad

I mean

Every one dose it at some point, every one dose it at evey second of each day so why dose it matter if it was my time?

You wholdent see Juuzou again

No more frends

No More almost dad

No more Timothy

No more life

No more love

No more nora

No more kyo

But most of all

No more.....


This was NOT the end no you had to see him again. You had to tell Shinohara he was the best dad you could have...well close enough to a dad you had to find kyo's brother your life just wasn't done yet not yet.

You then woke up
In a chair
Your hands tied with strong rope
As well as your legs

You looked around you didn't see eny one else....whate nora

You then yelled

"GET ME OUT OF HEAR!!!!!" You yelled


You couldn't let your frend the one frend who finaly understood you die

You then looked down crying with your hair in your face

"P-please don't hurt nora"  you cryed feeling the cold drops on your thighs "she's my only frend, who cairs for me"

The door that was in front of you had then opened leting the bright white light into the room. You looked up but you saw nothing because you where crying so you shook your head making the tears dry or run down your check. You looked again and saw two black figures with strange masks.

"Stay away from nora senpai!!!" You said to them

"It's alright miss we will do nothing to you nor your frend" the boy said

"R-really?" You said sniffing

"Absolutely" they said at the same time

You whanted to trust them but partof you couldn't

"Then why am i hear?" You said

They said nothing all they did was steep asides for the door to open once again with the light poring out into the room to only show three other blurry figures two to wich where front and one offly big preson behind them. the two the steped aside to reveal a big.......woman with glasses.....in a dresss.......... and...and...............it's i..it's

"Mama?" You said wispering a little

"Hello my little princess"

"B-but how"you cryed "you left me you and Rei both"

She walked up to you and gave you a hug

"Shhh it's ok" she soothed "mama's hear for you, and she won't leave you"

You tryed huging her considering you where tied to the chair and cryed into her shoulder.

Your crying was the only thing that was hurd in the room


You hered somthing weard kinda like the when a ghoul unleashes thair Kagan


You then felt a horrible and disturbing pain in your back. She had stabbed you with her Kagan, she was still holding on to you and scarlet blood started to drip down your back and a little in your mouth as well.

"B-But w-why you where m-my mama" you said crying a little and breathing fast

"I'm so sorry my sweet (y/n) please forgive me" she said crying as well

"You w-where my mama" you said almost out of breath

"Yes and you are my daughter and you will always be my daughter" she said laying you on the floor

"M-m-moma" you said about to say goodbye to every thing you lived for

"Yes" she said

"You will always be my mama" you said wispering

"I will" she said "and you will always be my daughter"

"Yes?" you said


"For ever and ever?"

"Yes for ever and ever" she said crying a little

"w-wow what a beautiful day to burn in hell haw"you said giggleing "i-i hope you burn in hell for ever and ever for all the sins you made, welp see you soon, m-mama"

She said nothing all she did was wach in horror

"Hope you burn in hell with me" you said smiling

Your eyes where still blinking slownly the last thing you saw wasthe door slam open  Nora, Juuzou, kyo, and some other people. Nora tryed to run to you with tears in her eyes saying

'Nooo nooo!!!'

Juuzou just staired and started to


Until he snapped and killed all the ghouls who where blocking him from you

Then everything went black

              Good by Juuzou

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