we need hope in this world#45

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"It's been like 1 hour and no one what's a kitty for one million dollars" Juuzou wined

"I think we should lower the price" you said

"Ok fine" he said "ten thousand"

"Juuzou noooo"

"Juuzou yesssss"

"Juuzou lower the price" you said

"Fine.....um....how about 900 bucks" he said

"That seems fair" you said nodding

After another hour you only selled three cats and had three left.

"I think we should give the rest to nora and kyo and Haru" you said

"Haru, kyo?" Juuzou said confused "are you gonna replace me?"

"No thair gust freands and i already replaced you" you said bringing out Juuzou jr

"Dang it, lucky cat" Juuzou said peting Juuzou jr

You both walked to noras house and ringing the door bell, and she soon answered.

"Hey nora whant a kitty" you said

"How much?"

"Fr-" Juuzou covers your mouth

"200 dollars" he said smiling

"Really? Alright" she got out two hundred dollors and picked out a kitty and she left

"What was that for?" You said

"Money" he said walking woth you

"Money for what?" You said

"Candy" he said giggleing

"All right" you said giggling to

You both walked to kyo's houce wich is shaired with Haru.

You got to thair house and knocked on thair door.

No response

You and Juuzou knocked slowly then rapidly and then the door open and you didn't realize but you where knocking on kyo's heas for a while.

"Yes" he said

"OH!!! Sorry" you said realizing what you did

"Naw it's ok" he said "so what is it"

"Whant a kitty" you said holding the box up to show two left

"Shour" he said handed you 1000 dollars

"No you don't hav-"

"Just take the money" he said "i get like 2000 dolors a day eny way"

He took one kitty and left saying


You where gonna stop him but his door closed

"I thought he was gonna take both of them" you said

"Welp i guess we can bage mr Shinohara if we can keep her" Juuzou said smiling and walking with you.

It was getting a little dark but it wasn't THAT dark it was fine. You two where talking about what to name her and if one day Juuzou jr and the other cat will become frends

"How about (y/n) jr" Juuzou said giggling and picking her up

"No we already have a Juuzou jr" you said

"It doesn't matter we can have two Jr's in the house" he said

"Well i guss so" you said untill you hered someone like a girl crying

You looked and saw it was a girl in a box with a blanket around 7 and she was holding a teddy bear. You stopped and walked up to her you knew she wasn't a ghoul. You took the kitten and placed it next to her in her box and 900 dollors as well and kept walking with Juuzou back to the house.

"Whair is (y/n) jr" Juuzou said questionably

"I gave her away" you said


"Because people need hope in this world" you said

Girls pov

When i looked up i saw zigzag and a few hundred dollars. I can't believe zigzag came back. I huged her and wrapped her in my blanket. I'm happy i found a place whair ghouls don't come along so i knew i was safe. I curled up in a ball and huged zigzag up to my face and we fell asleep together. Thank you strainger for giving me hope again.

Hope that's it i will re-name her hope instead of zigzag.

"I love you hope" i wispered huging her

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