chapter one

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"I see your up, (y/n). I expected you to sleep for another month or two."

Another month?

"What happend? Why am I here? How long was I asleep." You asked "Where is Nora and juuzu?"

"I see, you must of heard the television in your coma. Hearing names, hearing the news, you must of added it into your memmory, your so called 'life' when you where asleep."

"So called 'life'? why am I here! How long was I asleep!"

"Well first, it will be difficult for you to understand. You where in a coma. I bet you felt like you where living your life. That it was the real world, you must of been dreaming. You've been asleep for about a year, I'm sure. Please, don't be upset, if anything this surgery was quite a success, it was rather this or death. And the only way to do the surgery was to put you in a coma. Of we dident, you would be dead. As a doctor, I couldent wach my patient die."


"What happened? Why did I need surgury"

"You got in an....incodent." He said looking away. "You where in a coma for about a year, maby two. It will be difficult to remember your real life. Please understand that if we never preformed the surgery, you'd be dead. You where dieing, we had to. I'm sorry"

"Why are you sorry?" You asked questonably

His eyes seems to show pain. Slowly, he walked to your side, and opend the drawer. Pulling out a small mirror, he placed it down onto the bed. Slowly stepping back, He looked at you once more. As of wateing for you to pick up the mirror. You looked at him, then the faced down mirror, then up again to him. Looking to the floor, You where questioning yourself if you should do it.

You grabbed the mirror, and looked at yourself.

You gasped

One eye

Was (c/e)

The other

Was a monster's

It was a

Ghouls eye

Hey its me author-chan! This is a little Christmas gift for you all! Love you! And even if you don't separate Christmas, I hope you enjoy my story eather way (*^▽^*)

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