the bloody nose#15

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/Normal pov\
You had drunk your whater only to spit it out once you had sawn Juuzou with a smile, And you where embarrassed because of what you had been waiting.

"Oh hey (y/n)," Juuzou said

"H-hi" you said blushing a little cuz ypu then noticed he had his under shirt on wich was black like yours.

"You look cute" Juuzou said as if it was nothing

"Oh um..."

"(Y/N) brakes over!!" Mis Akira said

'Talk about saved by the bell- er in this case saved by the man arms women' you thought as you ran to her

"20 push up's"!!!

'B-but if i do push ups in my sleave less shirt you will be able to see my bra and Juuzou's standing right thair' you thought to yourself

"Don't stand thair 20 push ups GO!!"

You had no choice you had to so you got down to your hands and did 20 push ups.

Juuzou's pov
Akira had made (y/n) do 20 push ups and she looked like she didn't what to but i didn't understand why she didn't whant to until she went to her hands. I didn't whant to say eny thing and i didn't whant to stair but i did stair. She was waiting a white lacy bra and behind that wher two (small/ big/ mideam) round brests. I can feel a nose bleed coming on.

Normal pov
You finish your 20 push up's and looked up to see a blushing Juuzou still like a tree and mabby a trickl of blood coming down his lips.

"Juuzou" you said waving your hands "Juuzou you have a problem"

He then snapped out of what ever was happening and ran of to the boys loker room wich had a bathroom. You decide to check up on him to see if he was ok so you knocked on the door and said

"Juuzou are you all right" you said and no answer "Juuzou" you said and still no reply from Juuzou. "Juuzou I'm sorry" you said

'......why are you sorry?' You hered muffels from the other side wich was Juuzou.

"I'm sorry" you said

"Don't be sorry" Juuzou said opening the door and embraceing you with a big hug.

You wherent that surprised because Juuzou always hugs you but somthing told you that Juuzou was holding on a little tighter the usual. Until he let go of you and ran off.

"Hey (Y/n)" Akira said from next to you

"Yes" you had told her

"Your done for today" she said

"Ok thank you for helping me" you said walking of to the bathroom wich you had changed.

"Hear are your sho- you said walking out

"No keep them" she said "put them in your locker wich is the only blue one the rest are white, i painted it for you and you get to decorate the incide"

"Awww thank you" you said huging her and going to the locker room

Juuzous pov

I need to tell her and know i need to give this to her to show her i have feelings i need to do this fast i thought running through the halls i burst threw the gim doors to see no (y/n). Dam it i'm late she might be at her desk i need to go!! As i ran with what was in my hand it pocked me a little drawing a tad of blood on my hand but i don't cair i need to see (y/n) KNOW!!!

normal pov
You put your shorts in the locker and walked out it was empty to thair was no reason to stay so you walked out to Your desk

Juuzou's pov
I NEED to see her know i thought running to her desk party pooper all theas desks look the same ahhh i don't have time for this i need to fined her REMEMBER Juuzou whair is her desk whate it's (y/n) she is across the hall why are theas halls so long. I ran to her but ahe didn't notice me then she made a right i then ran faster and turned to the right to see no (y/n) that must mean that her desk is over hear i need to fined her fast before he gets to her !first!.

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