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Normal pov
In the car it was a little silent until Mr. Shinohara had put up some music and Juuzou sung along a little so did you the song was called (a song that not depressing) by (person). Once the car stoped you got up happy and bounced around. Mr.Shinohara had said that today will be your first day of training. Wich you where exited for
You and Juuzou both ran to the elevator and Mr. Shinohara walking. You and Juuzou went without him but he simply just went to the other elevator that Just so happend to be right next to it. You snd Juuzou looked out the glass elevator.

"Don't they all look like ants from hear" you said imageining to scwish a woman in pink with your thumb and poining finger.

"Ya" Juuzou said doing to same thing but to a man in green


Once we walked in we had to be careful because Takizawa's desk is closed to the elevator and the paper that was on his bord desk separator thing was not a empty paper oh it had something on it and he didn't like it, in fact he was really mad, so mad he swor revenge even tho every one knows that Takizawa is supper week and you are stronger then him.

As you and Juuzou had tip towed towed your desk you had acsedently steped on a really creeky floor bord. That's when Takizawa had stepped infront of you as a attempt to block you. His expression had said ' your dead meat' all over it.

"Oh heyyyyyyyyyy" you said

You always say 'oh heyyyyyyyyyy' when you're introbule or eather when imberest or stuck on what to do next.

"Juuzou, (y/n)" He said nodding at both ove your names with eyes that can kill a .....well in Takizawas case nothing cuz he is harmless, so harmless a bunny whont be scared of him. "Remember this?" He said putting up tje paper in your face and Juuzou couldn't see it.

"Um...nope i have short term memory bye bye" you said grabbing Juuzou's hand and walking a few inches of untill Takizawa had blocked your way

"No your not" Takizawa said

"Taki stop your no fun" Juuzou said from behind you wich only made Taki more feriose as you let go of Juuzou's hand Takizawa had grabbed your other hand and griped it.

"Hey!!" You said confused "stop it it's just a little note"

"Taki stop being such a butt face and let her go!" Juuzou had said with a tint of anger

He stopped for a wile until his grip lossend a little.

"Fine if you like Juuzou so much then..."he said stoping a little "TAKE HIM" he said pushing you wich made you fall on Juuzou but he had cout you before you had fellen

You and Juuzou where abel to go to your desk. You looked at the paper taki had shoved with the push it was the paper with waht you wrote. You crumbled it up and threw it in the trash can.

"Ima go to the bathroom be right back" you said walking down the long hall wich leads to another long hall wich leads to a stair case wich leads to the bathroom.

Juuzou's pov
(Y/n) said she was going to the bathroom. As she walked down the hall i wched her till she was far from my slight. I then looked in the trash and tryed to look for that paper instead i saw a really well drawn wolf, i looked again and found it, once i had read it, i was surprised to see it had said
'Juuzou's more fun', but i still don't understand why taki got so...mad....oh.. i remember he has feelings for her. Wate a minute, he has feelings for Her but he can't even give me a high and he said i was the chiledsh one.

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