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(Short author's note)
Hello I'm the author (zero4564) and i am deeply sorry if i don't update some times it's hard because i have anxiety And depression and I'm scared about going of to seventh grade and no oee seems to love me for who i am at home every one is trying to chaing me hear, and my little brother is getting into EVERYTHING and he is so mean and so is my other brother as well. I..i might even stop writing. Well all i have to say is

'Is it really that hard to show some love or kindness to the girl you never noticed and never realized she had depression or she was so unloved she made imaginary frends and even a few imaginary boyfriends?'
P.s the song is called bangering by skrilex ok back to the storry

As you said those words you excited them to know how serious you where about fighting. And they did. They got the sign, so Akira and Among got out thair quinques.

"Ready?" Kyo asked you

"Ya" you said smiling

"Ok then" he said bringing out his white and blue quinque "ghoul's come out at night so we fight in the dark"he said turning ouy the lights

It was really dark and you could hear wispering. Thair was only vairy little light wich represents the street lights.

You stood in place just like a tree

Your eye's closed

Quinque in hand

You then made a closed eye smirk

"This is gonna be fun"

You hered one step behind you and you moved away to see a quinque was about to hit you so you grab it and flipped the person on to the ground and when you where doing that some one tryed to hit you by the back so you fell to the floor on your back but clearly saw thair feet so you swung your feet to thairs and they fell to the floor and atact the person who was trying to get to you this person fought hard and with few light you didn't see who it was but what you did chach a glance at was at the one other person running to you.
This was gonna be hard to fight the one in front of you And the one who was still running to you until. You diuked and the two fell on each other. You you felt a pain on your arm and saw it was bleeding a little but only a little like a paper cut. You then felt your self get pined to the ground. Your quinque fell out of your hand and know was across the room.

You paniced

'What know'

'What should i do'

You then realized the easiest way to get them off

"Time out!!" You yelled

The person let go of you and you ran to the lights and turned them on you saw Akira on the floor holding her knees and rocking herself

Akiras pov

S-She came so fast

Normal pov

You also saw Among in the corner probably dead, kyo on the bench mad at himself and nora....WHATE WHAIRS NORA!!!

Oh what she's over thair nevermind.

You walked into the middle of the roon and said


No one spoke especially Among because he is think.. hopefully not

You saw a hand raise you looked and saw nora raising her hand

You ran to her and gave her a grate big hug

"Nora senpai" you said "you silly nora I'm the one who takals you to the floor" you said giggleing

"Aww come on admit it i out smarted you" she said smiling

"Nora out smarted me" you id frowning a little "happy?"

"Yes" she giggled

But what you didn't know was a sad kyo on the bench. Crying because he had a flash back.

You looked up and saw kyo had left
"Kyo left" you said

"Ya"Akira said walking to you "i need to go as well"

Akira went to the door with her breaf case and left.

You looked at nora and nora looked at you then you both looked at the dead man- i mean Among in the corner. You both walked to him and sat next to him.

You and nora pocked his cheak say wisper yelling

"Hey among are you dead"

He looked up

"what"? He said

"Oh we thoght you died" both of you said

"What no" he said giving you both a 'your weard' face "well i need to get home"

He left as well

You looked at nora

She was about to talk until you stopped her

You fell to the floor and raped your legs and arms on her lag yelling

"Don't leave me!!"

"I wasn't gonna leave you i was gona say whana have a sleep over?" She said looking down at you

"Sleep over?" You tilted your head

"Ya" she said smiling wide

             Hear we go again

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now