yup again #48

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You woke to the sound of beping, the sound in hospitals that see you're heart rate. Where you in the hospital? You didn't know perhaps if you where to open your eyes you would see. So you decided to do that, you slowly opened them revealing a large blue room with a big window covered with currents the only other sound in the room was the t.v.

!Local (h/c) haired girl ran over by red car!

The t.v. broadcasted

!We are still not able to uncover this female's name yet!

The t.v. said once more untill a person came in.

"Oh you're awake" he said

He had black hair with red tips and red eye's he was also wairing a red jacket with a white shirt under and some black pants.

"I'm so sorry it's all my fault" he said

You had no idea what he was talking about

"Who are you and why are you apologising?" You said questionabley

"I am Nero hanaha and i was the one who ran you over" he said looking down "it was all my fault i promise i will pay for your laptop"

That then got you're attention

"How long have i been hear?" You said

"A couple of hours" he answered

"Has eny one else been hear?" You said

"Um...ya some boy came and gave you that giraffe plushy" he said pointing to the table with a giraffe in the air because balloons where tied to it and write in permanent marker on the balloons said

i love you

With hearts all over it wich you thoght was sweet of Juuzou to do such a nice and sweet thing. It made you cry a little.

"Are you ok?" Nero said

You said nothing the tears just couldn't stop running down you're cheeks. He walked to you and sat next to you.

"I see you're not ok but...." he started "you should be happy you're still alive"

now he started to cry a little.

You sat up and rubed his back.

"Tell me" you said

"What do y-" he said but you interrupted him

"You know exactly what" you said looking down at your feet

"My...sister died....in front of my twelve year old eye's the bad part was it was my birthday when a man came in and tryed to shoot me but my eleven year old sister took the bullet.......for me....i lost my mom...my dad....my happiness" he said crying even more

You got closer and hugged him and he huged back

"You're lucky someone still loves you" he said backing away

You where gonna say something untill the door opened to reveal two people...nora and Juuzou.

Both ran to you and gave you a big hug almost killing you.

"Can't b-breath" you said

Nora let go but Juuzou didn't, you hugged Juuzou back laying you're head on him getting comfortable in his arms. Both of you cryed hugging each other, but they where tears of joy, why joy? Because you where bow thair for Juuzou and Juuzou was thair for you and that's all that matters.....that you to are thair for each other and maby some day even nora can find some to love.

Nora wached you two crying and hugged but when she was stepping back she tripped on a wire and was about to fall but Nero cought her just in time looking into her eye's.

You tapped Juuzou and told him to look

"Awww cute" you both wispered blushing a little

Nero and Nora got up but didn't stop looking at her eye's. Nora blushed and looked away.

"Um...(y/n) it's time to um...go" she said blushing even more knowing Nero was still looking at her.

"Ok" you said

You got your close and went to chaing and came back in you're clothes you took the giraffe plushys one you gave for Juuzou and one for you. You both walked out of the hospital out into the real world. As you two walked you gentaly laid your head on his sholder and he didn't stop you.

Nora and Nero must of had left to haing out or something.

You and Juuzou took a cab wich you fell asleep in and Juuzou cairyed you home laid you on your bed kissing you good night and sleept next to you huging you making you feel safe and warm in his love....for now....wile it lasts.

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now