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It was around 3:00 in the morning and you got up to go to your room and sleep in your bed you had also woken Juuzou up and he also went to his bed in the morning you woke up about 5:00 in the morning and you didn't whant to get up at all not even a little bit well that is when you remembered you are geting your first Quinque today.

You then jumped up quickly and got some cloths from your closet and got a towel and ran to the bathroom and took a shower putting a handfull of sope and then a handful of conditioner in your hair and scrubed your body and got dressed and ran out to your room to see you had gotten a text last night wich explained the blanket on you and Juuzou at three in the morning.

You put on socks and ran into the living room and started the coffee machine then got out the pancake mix and made some pancakes a few of them where burnt but only because when you whated for then to cook on one side you would go knock on Juuzou's door and mr Shinohara's as well but nether of them answered. You had finished about a dozen and you had thought it was enough food for them to eat so you went to the coffee but ten shugers and ten vanilla creamers in and put it in a traveling mug thing so he can carry it wair ever he goes.

Afrer you where done with that you got up and rapidly knocked on Shinoharas door untill he finally opened it he was already dressed

"Hear" you said giving him his coffee and pointed to the door to give him a sign to get the car redy because it was about 6:30

He left and you ran to Juuzou's room snd knocked rapidly like hiw you did with mr Shinohara's door

"Ughhhh" you hered in his room "five more minutes"

"Juuzou we don't have five minutes WAKE UP" you keept knocking "Juuzou I'm coming in"

You opened the door to see him hidden under the bed covers

"I said five Minutes not five seconds" he said under the covers

"Come on i'm getting my Quinque today" you said walking in

"Good for you know leet me sleep"he said

"JUUZOU COME ON" you said going to his bed and trying to take the blanket off and ou succeeded

"Know get dre-" you stopped and blushed

He had no shirt

"What it got hot at night" he said running his hand through his hair

You went to his closest and emedeatly got a white shirtand through it at his face then ran out. 
"Ok, Juuzou time to GO!!" you yelled almost out the door "I'm gonna leave you and you don't get to see my Quinque"

"Coming" he said Coming out dressed normally and running down to the halls as usual to go to the elevator

You both looked at the view then you both where at the bottom floor so both of you went in the car with Mr. Shinohara and he drove both of you to the CCG. During the whole ride you couldn't stop smiling. When the car finally stopped you jumped up and opened the door and left.


Ok ok maby the car didn't really stop but it was about to and you where really excited so you jumped out and ran in the CCG.

You ran in and saw akira so you ran to her

"AKIRA I'M GETTING MY QUINQUE!!!" you said shakeing her and her coffee wich was in her hand spilt a little on the floor

You ran until you saw Takizawa

"TAKIZAWA!!!" You ran to him happily "I'M GETTING MY QUINQUE" you said shakeing the death out of him

You then saw long strands of red hair and you emedeatly knew who it was

"NORA"!!! You yelled running to her

She turned to you with her green eye's sparkling in the light.

Once you where about one step away from her she moved to the side and you fell on the floor.

"Owwwwy why did you do that?" Yoi questioned her

"Probably because i have important letters in my had or maby because i got new skinny jeans" she said looking down at you

You and nora have been frends for quite a while. She was the new mesinger girl and some other guy was one two but nora gave you your cards.

"So what's up butter cup?" She said

"Aperently not me" you said pouting your lips

"Fine I'm sorry, so what's the word humming bird"

"I'm getting MY FIRST QUINQUE" you said yelling and getting up

"Really cool" she said happly "do you know who's Kagan it's from?"

You stoped and thoght for a few seconds

"Oh ya i think it's from some ghoul who was really hard to catch but they cout them that is all i know" you shrugged

"Well if he or she was hard to cach that must mean you got a good one" she said giving you a clossed eye smile "ok i need to go bye bye"

She waved to you goodbye and you waved back to her then you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned to see mr.Shinohara

"You ready kid"

"I'm always ready"

Thank you my readers i love you all and also a big thanks to nora_senpai456 for being nora make shor to folow her and read her Juuzou × reader it is REALLY good 😜ok good bye my candys

This song is called Angles could be bad by kat nesatal and the people or um should i say monsters in it is from a video game called undertale
Animation not mine

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