he said "therapy" #49

157 13 2

You woke the next morning exactly the same...or was it, perhaps today was different then the others...and it was. Emedeatly when your eye's agested to the mornings bright sunlights beams and your nose to the sweet smell of...pancakes and other good smells of breakfast? What a minute, you can only cook who was cooking then? You ran out of your room to the living room then to the kitchen to see Juuzou cooking and flipping pancakes. He was all dressed in his normal clothes and his snow white hair was done in his normal way and everythithing was looking normal wile you where still in your (f/c) pajamas and messy (c/h) hair.

"Better get dressed!" Juuzou said smiling his innocent smile at you

"Why what do you have planned today?" You said rubbing your eye's until what he said wich made your eye's wide open.

"Your going to therapy!" he said happaly as if it was nothing at all

"THERAPY!!" You yelled surprised

"Shhh Oreo is sleeping and Juuzou jr is sleeping to" Juuzou said with a finger over his mouth

"Oh sorry, but still why therapy?" You said "i don't wanna go to therapy!"

"Your history said otherwise." Juuzou said giggleing "know get ready"

You got a little mad and blushed because he was going through your history...again. you went to your room and saw that you ran out of shirts you walked to Juuzou's room and got one of his shirts and went to your room to get some shorts and leggings and some shoes with suspenders and put them all on you saw it was cold outside so you got a black sweater and put it on walking into the living room to wich smelt of pancakes and other normal fellow breakfast foods.

"When are we going?" You asked poring some coffee in a cup and adding some sugar as well as some creamer.

"Right know" he said smiling and grabbing your arm and running away from what was your breakfast.

As he pulled you he ran out the door saddly leaving your coffee on the table without an owner to enjoy it's warm brown liquids with the taste of sugar.

You ran down the stairs almost tripping considering Juuzou is literally running down the stairs grabbing onto your arm tightly not letting eny hesitation run by you two. You both got outside and he called a taxi and one blue one came up and you both got in.

"To therapy!!" Juuzou said with legs and arms spred out with a big smile to top all off it off.

The driver didn't seem to care one bit and started to drive as if he had been through worse times.

You both soon got dropped off at some tall blue ish silver building wich was really really REALLY tall, and seemed really busy as well.

Juuzou pushed you out of the taxi and smiles and said

"Have fun!"

You stumbled on your feet as the taxi left quickly

'HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW WERE I'M SUPPOSED TO GO' you thought until your train of thought where interrupted when you felt a vibration in your pocket. It was your phone.

You took your phone out to see Juuzou texted you.

Juuzou: go inside the bilding go up three levals take two rights one left one more right then go to the white door that has number 113.

'Oh that's how' you thought once more

You looked at the doors of the tall blue ish gray building took a big inhale and a deep exhale. You looked at the building a little frightened of what you might see but hopefully nothing would go wrong.


I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now