click #3 (edited-kinda)

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You felt something different inside of you...

and whatever it was...

you liked it...

Then you saw a man coming up to you. It was one of mama's 'helpers' the ones who would open the cages or throw you in the cage. He came up to you and grabbed your hand. He leads you to where Rei was. You were certain you will get some big girl points.

As you walked down the steps you saw Rei walking up to where mama was. You planed on making mama proud and making Rei happy. You where exited, yet nervous too. Your heart pumped gallons of blood to your heart, making it beat faster the usual. The adrenalin made your stomach turn and your head spin, Yet you tried to keep your breathing steady.

You walked in and you could hear the crowd clapping. Not long after a woman with a bag over her head was thrown in with you. You walked up to her. Step after step, ever so slightly, you were in front of her. You looked so innocent, and with this, You held your hand out for her. She looked frightened when you did this, she calmed down a bit, knowing a small child couldn't hurt her. Soon enough, she gladly took your hand. The fearful emotion in her eyes were drained and she seemed pretty calm.

The crowd was surprised at the kind act. Most of them were yelling how horrible you were but you had a plan all set up inside your creative mind. As she placed her hand on yours you gripped it really tight so she couldn't leave your grasp. You then smashed her to the ground and stepped on her back. You could hear a crack, like stepping on a bag of chips. You could hear the crowd clapping once more. You twisted her head a little, but she wasn't dead, not yet. You twisted again no luck. You twisted once more this time with full force and it snapped.

It snapped

you gripped onto the lady's hair and a tear came out of one eye, but you wiped it off and stood up hands in the air. Everyone was cheering for you...

and only you.

You were so proud of your self.

Mama's worker looked at you for a long moment. Your eyes meet his cold ones. He walked away by this he meant, 'follow me'. You didn't know 100% but you had a feeling in your gut that told you to follow him. He stopped in front of mama and you ran up to her.

"How many good girl points did I get, how many, how many!" you cheerfully said jumping up and down

"You got 30, but you will improve I promise." She said booping your nose before walking away.

You sat in your cage and waited for mama to once again torture the two of you.

"OK, you kids ready?" Mama said walking close to you with a small knife.

"Yes mama." you and Rei said together in harmony

"(Y/n) do you wanna go first?"

"Yes mama," you said

"OK, good girl, time starts," she said "now."

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now