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Juuzou's pov
I sat thair next to the trash thinking about taki until i hered foot steps that's when i crumbled the paper and put it back in the trash and ran to the spuning chair and spun myself until i saw (y/n)holding her lower regen.

"Um...hey Juuzou you haven't showed me whair the bathroom is" she said

" follow me" i said walking to the bathroom wich was to the left than another left then fowered and then a right.

"Thanks" she said walking into the bathroom in a hurry

I decided to whate for her and not in a creepy way. After she was done i heard the door open and close then i looked to see her with closed eye's and driying her hands in the air.

"Hey- owwwyyy"i said until i felt pain in my....face

"OH....I'M SO SORRY...I DIDN'T MEAN TO....FORCE OF HABITAT..O MY GOD...ARE YOU OK" she said trying to apologize for punching me in the face

"Y...ya I'm alright don't worry it only hurts a little" i said lieing to he but the truth is i can't feel pain more or less.

We then started to walk back to her desk but when we did we saw Mr. Shinohara standing thair.

"Oh (y/n), Juuzou i was wondering whair you both where" Shinohara said with a stop "Juuzou you need to come with me to investigate a few places"

"What about (y/n)" i said worryed

.She will have to stay here until we come back" *dramatic poss* "training"

As i looked back at (y/n) her eye's lit up the hole room as if she whaer at a boy band concert and the lead singer is 3 rows away and he looked straight at her and she was on the virge of having a nose bleed or fainting.

"i will show you whair you will be training and with who you shall be doing it with" Mr. Shinohara had said

(Your pov)
Mr. Shinohara had showed me the gim/trayning section and he said to wate a few seconds and or minus until my trainers come by.

Normal pov
You where punching a punching bag until you noticed your hands where bleeding a little but you didn't care so you caired on. Juuzou and Mr. Shinohara had left about a few minutes ago and ever since you started to practice without your trainer.

"I'm sorry I'm late i had some business to do" you herd a lady voice say behind you

Once you had turned your head ypu saw the lady from the first day at the CCG "oh modo right" you said hopping ypu got her name right.

"Yes I'm Akira know to get star- OH my goodness your hands" she said

"Um...ya what about my hands, ate you one of those girls who like others nails, i didn't do much all i did was paint them blue?" You said confused

"No i don't care about your nails" she said grabbing your hands " your bleeding"

"Oh i" you said happy

"No you cant do this to yourself" she said wrapping your hands in a silky cloth like material.

"Thair you go all better, all you need to do know is wair theas shorts and you have a undershirt under that white one?" She asked you


"Ok then wair theas shorts and take your white shirt of" she said throwing you the black shorts and pointing at the girls changing room.

You ran to the changing room and put on the shorts and took of your white shirt wich revealed your black sleave less shirt and ran out to start your training.

"Good know keep punching that bean bag"

"Yes mam" you said

You punched the bean bag once then once you where going to punch it again Akira stoped you with her man fists and said to not punch it that way

'But how els am i going to punch!?!!?!?' You thought to yourself

"Ok, look at me" she said punching the bag "see insted of doing it just that way all the time you can do this" she said smiling

1 hour later

"(Y/n) take a break" she had told you

"Oky dok" you said sitting down drinking some whater only to spit it out to see........

/Cliff hanger\

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