surprise surprise #34

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After huging it out a little Shinohara led you to the training room Wich he said that was the place to meet your quinque trainer.

Soon Shinohara and Juuzou had to leave. So you took the chance to grab some cloth and raped it around your hand and started to punch the black punching bag until you hered some one say

"I thoght i toght you not to punch it that way" Akira's voice said

You looked to see three people Akira, Among and

"NORA!!!" You said running to her and this time she didn't realize you wjere coming and you tackled her to the ground

"do you HAVE to do that every time?" She said with a brow rased

"No but i what to" you said smiling

You got off her and you and her talked a little

"You have a quinque?" You questioned

"Yes, well i used to" she said " i first was a CCG member until thay needed a letter girl because the last one died in a car accident" he said looking at you with her green eye's into your (c/e) one's

"Oh that's mean" uoi said frowning

"Ya but it's ok i get to teach you know" she said smiling

"Yay" you said happily

"Ok shall we get started" Among said

"Man you really are boring are you?" Akira said playfully punching his arm

"No i can be fun" he said a little mad

"Ya ok keep dreaming" she said smiling

"Ok come on stop flirting it's gross, i whana train so then i can beat up some black and red eyed meanys" you said with your fists up

"Ok fine let's go" Among said walking to the training section

You all practiced for a long time but you never realized you where praticing for three hours. You really never payed atanchon to the clock. The for first hour thay toght you how to slice and think fast by throwing stuff at you and you had to slice them then the second hour you had to lern how to beat a ghoul without a quinque because what if you where to drop yours so you learned that you could keep darts and knifes in your pocket wich nora gave to you. She said that the darts help by saying the ghoul's Kagan and it makes it go away for a few minutes but enough time to end them. For the third hour you haf to learn how to beet all them up without eny instructions. This is how it went for the third hour, you whould have to stand in the middle of the human circle and around you where Among, Akira, and Nora they all had armer and weapons and so did you they would all come at you and you had to beet them up, it was hard at first but it was ok after a few seconds, the training was supposed to push you to your limits and help you to think fast and maybe even faster then a ghoul.

Right this minute it was brake time and you where sitting next to nora talking to her. She had puten her long hair into a ponytail because it was in her face when you and her where practiceing.

"Thank you for the knifes and darts" you said huging your breaf case

"Its ok-" she rhen stopped and looked at her phone "i need to go i need to deliver mail bye (y/n)"

"Bye" you said as she ran away

"Hey (y/n) ready to train some more?" Among said

You liked Among he was a older brother you never had and so was Akira but a older sister you never had.

"Yup" you said walking to them

For the past half hour all of you practiced withouy nora qich you felt bad but you knew she will come back soon.

"Hey (y/n)!!" Nora's voice went" you looked to see her with a letter

"What's up nora?" You said walking up to her

"This letter is for you" she said out of breath

"Um...did you write it?"

"No, but i did read it and it's anonymous"

"You read my letter's?" You sid confused

"Mabby but only because my job is boring" she said giggling

"Ok i can't argue with that" you told her

"Oh ya this is for you and um..  make shur to brace yourself" she said handing it to you

You grabbed it and you saw it was a white card and it smelt of beer and sigerets, wich mafe you gag a little

You opened it and it read

(Y/n) i have had enough of being alone all these years and know that i have found you in the internet i can come for you and i promise i will be a better person please forgive me (y/n)

And that was it

"Have you ever been in a past relationship with some one?" Nora questioned

"" you said looking down at the letter

"Then who do you think would send this to you?"nora said and as she said the mr.Shinohara and Juuzou came back

You looked up to nora and you huged her and cryed on her shoulder wich she didn't mind

"My Daddy"

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