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You then shoot up from the couch.

"What happened!, did some one break in!!! Is he cute??!?!?!" Nora yelled

"No it was just a bad dream" you said looking down "and is he cute?"

"What" she said blushing a little wich mached her long red/orange  hair

"Nothing" you said smiling a little

"Oh ok then good night it's like about 1:00 in the morning you need your sleep" she said going back to sleep "and i need to sleep as well so then i cand dream"

You then said

"You dream, dream like your life depends on it"

But she was already asleep

You then laid your head And tryed to go to sleep, But failed the bad dream was just to


Soon enough you fell to sleep, but instead this time you didn't have a bad dream nether a good dream it was just dark just the way you liked it


In the morning you woke up to the smell of

Burnt food

You got up and saw nora TRYing to cook but she burnt the food but thair where some food that looked fine like a couple of pancakes and a few waffles hey at least we aren't eating off the ground...but thair was a pancake on the ground.

You got up and walked to her.

"Is this your first time" you told her

"Um....no not really but usually i have a mom or dad to help me but i now live alone so who can teach me?"

You only said one word


"Oh ya haw" she smiled and said "i had completely forgotten"

You both gigged

Eny way with or without Google you helped her make them and after that you both ate the most good looking one's.

"Holly shoot it's 7:00" nora said

"So?" You said tilting your head

"We are gonna be late for work!!" She said grabbing your handand dragging youro your bag

"Get reddy in the bathroom i will get ready in my room" she said pointing to the bathroom door

You went in and chainged into your normal clothes and ran out. Nora wasn't done yet.

"Nora nora nora nora!" You repeatedly said bainging her door

She then came out with her long red/orang hair in a ponytail and a Normal green shirt and some skinny jeans.

"Come on let's go" she said running out the door with you

You both soon took a purple taxi cab wich led you down the street from the CCG, so no one will be suspicious, you both then ran to the CCG and took the elevator up. Once the elevator stopped you looked to see everyone working silently.

"Meet up with you later" she said and walked away

You looked at the time


Well time to hit the training




You ran to nora who was talking to some boy

"NORA Timothy's gone!!!" You said shaking her

"Timothy?" She questioned

"MY QUINQUE IT'S GONE!!!!" You said wich made her eye's widen

"But you had it a moment ago?" She said "it was in the taxi"

You then ran out


You ran down the stairs because the elevator was to long and ran into the street. The taxi guys always have to give the passenger thair number so next time you can call and they will come.

You called

No replay

You called again

"Hello" a man said

"Hi, yes i left my breafcase in the taxi"you said

"Ok i will be thair" he said hanging up

After a few minutes the same taxi came you opened the back door and saw it wasn't thair

"Hey you, driver did you pick up and drop off eny one else?"

"Um....ya some young man going to his house" he said

"Can you tell me whair he got dropped off" uou asked

"Um...i don't know i think we aren't allowed to do that" he said "it's against the rules in my contract"

"50 bucks say otherwise"

"Aaaaaaaaaand off we go" he said

He drove for a wile but he then stoped at a blue house.

"Stay hear" you said and he shook his head yes and you knocked on the door

The door opened to reveal a boy your age with white hair and a gray and white scarf and blue eye's, he looks like kyo

"Yes" he said

"Um....are you Haru" you said

"How do you n-now" he said closing the door a little more

"I think i know you're brother" you said "is your brother kyo?"

He then gasped

"Whair is he!!" He yelled fully opening the door

"I can tell you but you have something of mine" you said

"What is it?"

"My breaf case" you said

"Oh that" he said looking at the floor "hear ya go"

"I missed you timothy" you said huging your Quinque

"Now tell me whair he is" he said

"He works at the CCG"

He stopped for a bit

"C-Can you take me to him" he said

"Um...maybe eat this first" you said giving him a lollipop wich is really bad for ghouls because it has to stay in thair mouths then soon they will throw up

"Ok" he said grabbing it and eating it

Well he's not a ghoul then, or at least whet your thoght

"Come on" you said "let's get you with your brother back together again"

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now