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You looked at the present and wondered if it was for you or some other random man of the street you got closer to the present and saw the name (y/n) on it next to the other word to: and next to from: was Juuzou's name. You got it and jumped on the bed with it and sat down and unwraped it with your bair hands you where so excited you haven't gotten a president scince a verry long time about 5-7 years so you where very happy to see what was inside once you saw what was inside you where verry happy. In side was a new phone with blue and white earphones and a matching pair of ear buds that looks as if thair are stitches around the wires(i actually have a pair). You turned on the phone and saw that it had to lode so you got your old phone wich was a old flip phone and said

"Bye bye useless phone, hello new cool phone" you said throwing the old phone on the bed because you know if you tryed to attempt to thow it in the trash then it wholdent

You where still saving the old flip phone just in case if there was a old lady who needs a new flip phon on EBay.

"So I see you found your present" Juuzou said leaning against the side of the door "do you like it"

"No, i LOVE it thank you" you said "but this must of had costs tones of money"

"Ya but all you have to do to pay me is" Juuzou said with a little stop "a kiss"

He said playfully leaning in front and pointing to his check like a kid who fell and the parent said 'whair doses it hurt'

'Um.......should i.......i did used to have a crush on him but what if he doesn't like me ba-'

Soon the smell of pizza and a familiar voice saying'i'm home' interrupt your train of throughs.

You and Juuzou jumped. You ran to the kitchen to see Mr.Shinohara with a box of pizza and a small white bag on top of the pizza with the words 'little sezers pizza'.

"Oh miss (y/n) you had awakened, you must be hungry would you prefer some thing to eat" he said

"Yes please" he said

"Would you like some to Juuzou" he said

"Ya" Juuzou said happily

Mr.Shinohara had gotten three plates out for the three of you. You grabbed a plate and put (pepperoni/chess) pizza on it and a bread stick next to it and sat down on the table. Within a few seconds Juuzou arrived and sat next to you. You then realize that Mr. Shinohara wasn't sitting with you two.

"Whair is Mr.Shinohara?" You said worried

"Oh him he eats in his office so he can eat and get his work done at the same time, smart hu" Juuzou said looking at you with a smile

"Ya"you said looking down and eating your food with tears mixed in with it


'Whers daddy mama' the little girl asked

'Um.........he's working again' the young mother asked

'Oh' the little girl asked looking down upset cuz she hasn't seen her dad for about 2 years so far in counting

Next day

'My dad is fun'

'My dad takes me to ice cream'

'My dads job is amazing'

'My dady gives me big hugs'

'My father is nice'

The little girl known as (y/n) heard all the other kids say all theas nice things about thair daddy's even tho (y/n) didn't have one

End of flashback

Juuzou's pov

'I don't understand. Did i do something wrong or say something wrong, i hope not cuz if i did Mr. Shinohara is gonna be MAD.'

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