pillows&candy #10

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Juuzou's pov
As i grabbed the pillow from behind me i had smacked (y/n) with it and got mad and grabbed the other pillow that happened to be close to her and she wacked me with it causing me to fall of my feet and my boddy met the floor.

"(Y/n) chan please have mercy on me~" i said singing a little

Normal pov

"Well i don't know i just might be ab-" you said but then got smacked witha pilow then fell on your bed and Juuzou got on top of you (no this is not a limon sorry maby next time) and his hands gently went to your sides and he started to tickle you.

"J-Juuzou stop it tickles" you said laughing

"NEVER" Juuzou said not stopind (man the man is non stop!! Sorry It's from Hamilton)

"Ok I'm done" Juuzou said now bored

"Whacha wanna do know" you said sitting up

"I don't know?" He said rubbing his chin in a silly manner

"Gummy bear?" You said opening a bag of gummy bear's and handing it to Juuzou

"Ya" he took a red one and ate it and you took a green one and ate it

"Oh i have a idea" Juuzou said talking the bag of gummy bear's and smiling.

"What is it?" You said tilting your head a little

"Open your mouth?" He said


"NO SHUSH OPEN" he said damandingly but with a pinch of silly

You opened your mouth and then felt a good taste in your mouth. It was a gummy bear. You looked at Juuzou and he had his mouth opened you got a red gummy bair and thru it in his mouth you got it in. After that Juuzou splited the candy equly (each of you had 8).
You and Juuzou are gonna play a game whair you throw the gummy bears up in the air and you try your best to kech it....in your mouth, but if it falls on the floor you can't pick it up. One with less on the floor wins.

A few minutes later

One last gummy bear left you had only two on the floor and Juuzou had one on the floor and two left
He threw his in the air but missed by a inch...it was a tie.

"On three"  you said

"One"Juuzou said

"Two" you said

"Three" the both of you said and threw them in the air unit some one opened the door. You and Juuzou lost your fockes and looked to see mr. Shinohara. A second later the gummy bear hit your face and so did Juuzou.

"Time to go to bed" mr.Shinohara said "or at least wine down"

"Ok, bye bye Juuzou" you said waveing to him good by

"Bye bye (y/n)-chan" Juuzou said walking out.

Juuzou's pov

As i walked out of (y/n)'s room i went to mine. Untill the door was opened again. It was Mr.Shinohara. he walked in and shut the door then sat next to me.

"What's wrong" he said to me

"Me!?" I said "everything" i said silly

"No i mean how did you and (y/n) become frends so fast". He started "the first time i meet you it took you a few day's to worm up to me and the other's".

I looked at my other side and said
"Well let's just say, that us torched people, we get along well"

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now